The floor details provide high-level information about where in Serraview the floor displays, the area and scaling of the floorplan, and the CAD plans themselves.
Navigate to Resources > Buildings & Floors.
Click the building name. The building overview displays.
Click the floor number. The floor overview displays.
This displays the following areas:
On the right-hand side, the statistics display for the building. These statistics are the same as the Visual Block and Stack statistics, for more information refer to the View Block and Stack's Information Panel Statistics.
Space & Costs - This shows the details about Target Ratio, Leased Area, Load Factor, and how Unallocated and Remaining space on the floor is calculated in the Chargeback process.
Custom Fields
This displays the floorplan scale, allows floorplans to be uploaded manually, and shows the history of the floorplans that have been loaded against the floor. For more information, refer to Floorplan Management.
Users require the secured action:
Buildings & Floors - Floor Form - View Floorplan to access the Floorplans panel.
Building & Floors - Floorplans to access the Upload buttons in the Floorplan panel.
If you require access then contact your System Administrator. For information on how to add secured actions to a role, refer to Manage User Roles.
Custom Fields
Display any custom fields that have been added to the floor. For more information, refer to Custom Fields.