Instead of running the reports from the Reporting module, now you run the reports from Scenario Planner these can be run on All Phases or a Single Phase.
1. Click the Scenario Reports icon.
2. Select either Allphases or a single phase.
If a report cannot be generated for all phases you will see the message "<Report Name> can only be run on a single phase. Change your selection from all phases in the phase selector above."
3. Select a report and adjust the parameters.
4. Click the Launch button. The report will be run in the reports queue and the Reports Queue icon will change in the global header.
5. Click theReports Queueicon. The report will be run in the reports queue, with the most recent report displays at the top of the list.
If the report is taking a while to run, Serraview will email you when the report is ready.
6. Click the report's name to download it. Your report will download in the bottom left corner of the browser.
All Microsoft Excel reports will open in Protected View. Click Enable Editing to be able to edit the report.