Activate Exchange Connector in Serraview
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This article describes how to enable the Exchange Connector in Serraview.
You must be a Microsoft Administrator in your organization in order to complete this integration.
Complete the following steps.
Step 1. Activate the integration in Serraview
From Serraview, complete the following:
Navigate to Configuration > General.
Select Room Booking Service.
Click the Setup Cronofy Integration.
4. In the Domain field, enter the primary domain used in Exchange. For example,
The Domain field entry must match the domain used in Integrate Microsoft Exchange/Office 365 Calendar article.
5. In the Source drop-down, select Exchange.
6. Click the Start Integration button and the Cronofy integration starts.
An email will be sent out to you.
You will need to send this to your Microsoft Administrator.
Step 2. Activate the Cronofy Enterprise Connect for Exchange
Your Microsoft Administrator will complete the following.
- From the email, click the Activate Calendar link.
The Cronofy screen displays.
2, Click the Exchange button. The Cronfoy Exchange screen displays.
3. In the Service Account Email Address field and Service Account Password field, enter the Service Account credentials to log in. Note: The Service Account was created in Step 1 in the Integrate Microsoft Exchange/Office 365 Calendar article.
4. In the Email to Impersonate field, enter the resource account’s email.
5. Tick the I agree to the Cronofy Terms of Service and Privacy Policy check box.
6. Click the Link Exchange Account button.
This will verify the Service Account and use it to impersonate the resource accounts. When complete you will be redirected back to the Cronofy success screen.
You can close this screen as the integration is now completed.
Step 3. Add the Resource's Calendar Email Address in Serraview
The final step is to add the resource's calendar email address in Serraview, refer to Set up Space Reservations with Calendar Integration.