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Check SVLive Activity using Locator

If your company is using Locator, then complete the validation activity.

Walk the Floor





To validate the accuracy of SVLive, a manual review of live data is required, which is referred to as "Walk The Floor".


To Walk the Floor you require:

  • A company laptop, with access to Locator via Wi-Fi and SPS.exe installed.

  • Run this activity when the floor is heavily utilized (such as peak hour on a peak day). 

SVLive Data is represented in near real-time via Locator, but may be up to 5 minutes delayed when a user logs in, logs out, connects or disconnects a device, locks or unlocks a device. 

Follow the steps to complete the manual floor walk.

Step 1. Open Locator

In your laptop’s browser open the URL https://<CLIENTNAME>

Step 2. Review each Desk for Accuracy

Review each desk, one-by-one, for accuracy. You are looking to check if Locator is correctly showing: 

  • if the desk is occupied (blue dot) or unoccupied (gray dot).

  • if the desk has the correct occupant’s name.


Step 3. Work through the Troubleshooting Issues

Record an exception in the Locator Troubleshooting Issues document and there is a template at the end of this article that you can use. 

Then work through the Locator Troubleshooting Issues steps outlined below.

Locator Troubleshooting Issues

Auditor, Serraview System Administrator, or Client IT

An individual desk not correctly displaying occupants in Locator 


Checks to complete 

Desk is physically occupied, but Locator is showing the “Unknown user” at the desk (dark blue dot). 


  1. Confirm with the Serraview System Administrator that user is included in Serraview People Data with a matching username. See People Directory.

  2. Test desk with a different device and user. 

  3. Re-complete wireup and test again, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

Desk is physically occupied, but Locator is showing the name of a different occupant at the desk (dark blue dot). 


  1. Confirm the user has been at the desk for more than 5 minutes. 

  2. Test desk with a different device and user. 

  3. Re-complete wireup and test again, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

Desk is not physically occupied, but Locator is showing an occupant at the desk (dark blue dot) (who is active). 


  1. Confirm the desk has been vacant for more than 5 minutes.

  2. Confirm a device is not active at the desk that a remote user has connected to via VPN, see VPN Connection below. 

  3. Test desk with a different device and user. 

  4. Re-complete wireup and test again, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

Desk is not physically occupied, but Locator is showing an occupant at the desk (light blue dot) (who is away) 


  1. User may have locked their device, test when the desk has an active (not away) device connected. 

  2. Test desk with a different device and user. 

  3. Re-complete wireup and test again, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

Desk is physically occupied, but locator is showing no occupant (grey dot)


  1. Confirm the desk has been occupied for more than 5 minutes
  2. Confirm with the Serraview System Administrator that user is included in Serraview People Data with a matching username. See People Directory.
  3. Test desk with a different device and user. 
  4. Re-complete wireup and test again, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

An individual user is not correctly displaying in Locator 


Checks to complete  

Staff member is connected to the desk but showing up via Wi-Fi. 


  1. Confirm user’s device is correctly connected via a physical connection. 

  2. Test user’s connection at a different desk. 

  3. Re-complete wireup and test again, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

  4. While a user's device with healthy SPS (no errors) is connected to a network via an ethernet cable or dock;

    • Run the Switch Scan Diagnostic tool against the Switch IP(s) servicing the floor being tested.

    • Confirm the user’s Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) MAC using ipconfig in Command Prompt.

    • Cross-reference this NIC MAC in the output of the Diagnostic tool.

      • YES - Found the Mac.

        • Which port is it being seen against? Note that trunk ports (or “roll up” ports) need to be Excluded.
          (Internal staff only: This is managed through the SVLive Cloud Deployment Config Checklist.)

        • If new ports need to be excluded, create a Technical Support case and attach evidence and screenshots.

      • NO - Couldn’t find the Mac.

        • Confirm that the IPs of the Access Level switches servicing this floor are correct. Re-try the Diagnostic tool for any new IPs.

        • Raise a Technical Support case and attach evidence and screenshots.

Staff member is remotely connected to a device connected to a desk (VPN connection to a local machine). 

  1. User will show up as active at this desk in this situation. 
  2. Confirm the desk is being used by a VPN connection and the user is working remotely.

A number of adjacent desks, a whole floor, or a whole building is not showing any occupants in Locator 

We recommend you contact your IT team to complete the checks on the switches.


Checks to complete 

A number of adjacent desks are not showing the desk as occupied. 


  1. Confirm floor and building switch configuration is correct. 

An entire floor or building is not showing the desk as occupied. 

  1. Confirm building IP Whitelist is correct 

  2. Confirm floor and building switch configuration is correct. 

Troubleshooting Steps 

Work through these steps to work through the issues to try and resolve them.



Confirm the user has been at the desk or desk has been vacant for more than 5 minutes 

  1. SVLive can take up to 5 minutes to reflect a change in device status. 

  2. This can include updating a desk from unoccupied to occupied or the reverse. 

  3. Ensure this time has passed before progressing further steps. 

Confirm user has a company-issued device 

  1.  Check the physical device is a company-issued device as personal devices and external contractors' devices will not be detected by SVLive and Displayed in Locator. 


  • Only company-issued devices with the SPS (Serraview Presence Service) installed will be detected by SVLive and displayed in Locator. 
  • Where a user does not turn on their company-issued device, they will not be detected by SVLive and displayed in Locator. 

Confirm users device has SPS running 

  1. Right-click the taskbar, click Task Manager, and look for SPS.exe or Serraview Presence Service. 

  2. If the device has SPS installed, progress to the next step of troubleshooting. If further troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue for this user when reporting the issue to support you must include a copy of the Event Viewer logs. 

  3. If the device does not have SPS installed, follow up with your Serraview System Administrators to include the SPS with this device. 

Confirm user is included in Serraview People Data with matching username 

  1. A Serraview System Administrator can confirm the current list of People in Serraview. 

  2. The user needs to have the matching (Identical characters) username in Serraview People list and when logging onto the device. Examples of mismatching usernames include missing hyphens, spaces, and other special characters. 

  3. Mismatched usernames need to be resolved with the incoming people data provided to Serraview, follow up with your Serraview System Admins. 

  4. If further troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue for this user, when reporting the issue to support you must include a copy of the Event Viewer logs. 

Next, test desk with a different device and user:

  1. If a desk is showing incorrect details for one user, test the desk with another user who is known to correctly display at a different desk. 

  2. If the desk continues to display incorrect details for the alternative user, progress to the next step of troubleshooting. 

  3. If the desk correctly displays details for the alternative user, complete troubleshooting steps for SPS and Username listed above. 

Confirm user’s device is correctly connected via a physical connection 

  1. Ensure the users device is correctly connected from their device network port or laptop docking stations network port, to the network port mapped during wire up 

  2. If this is correct, progress to next step of troubleshooting 

Next, test user’s connection at a different desk: 

  1. To eliminate factors, if a user is not correctly displaying at a desk, connect them to a different desk that is known to work for other users. 

  2. If the user continues to display incorrect details at the alternative desk, complete troubleshooting steps for SPS and Username listed above. 

  3. If the user correctly displays details at the alternative desk, progress to next step of troubleshooting. 

Next, re-complete wireup and test again. 

  1. Complete the Wireup process, see Wireup Workpoints Manually.

  2. Review device network connection:
    1. Is the device showing a wired connection when plugged in?
    2. Does the device have the latest firmware for its network drives?
    3. Is the device connected to a dock that is correctly configured? Is the dock damaged? Does the dock need a firmware update?
    4. Is the device or dock connected to a port correctly? Is the cable damaged?

Confirm floor and building IP Whitelist is correct 

  1. Report to your Serraview System Admin and Serraview Support the building or floors not displaying any data in Locator. 

  2. Your Serraview System Admin and Serraview Support will complete this step.

Confirm floor and building switch configuration is correct 

  1. Report to your Serraview System Admin and Serraview Support the bays of desks, buildings, or floors not displaying any data in Locator. 

  2. Your Serraview System Admin and Serraview Support will complete this step. 

Record Locator Troubleshooting Issues

At this stage, there could be multiple reasons why inaccuracies are observed therefore it is important to record the issue, investigate, and record the outcomes.

  1. First, for each recorded issue work through the troubleshooting steps to see if you can resolve any exceptions. See the Locator Troubleshooting Issues section below.

  2. Second, if any issue remains and you have recorded all the issues’ details, now you can submit a Support ticket to

In the Support ticket you will need to specify the following:

  • Email subject - Include your site name and a description of the issue (E.G. Melbourne, desk not displaying user name) 

  • Email body - Include the table

Where possible report similar issues per site in a single ticket. 

Locator Troubleshooting Issues Template

Use the following table format to record issues and this has been set up in a template for you to use. Download the template called Locator_Troubleshooting_Issues_Template.dotx





Desk Number 


Date and Time


Issue Description


User at the desk


Alternative user who used the desk 




Record the date and time when the issue was observed

 Description of the issue

The first name, last name and username of the user at the desk 


The first name, last name and username of alternative user who used the desk 

The outcome when a different user was at the desk (was the issue resolved or not)