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Eptura Knowledge Center

Add Approver and send for Approval

You can set up people from Corporate Real Estate team and the Business who are required to approve requests. This will assist you to facilitate your approvals process before budget is spent delivering the request.

The default authorizers can be set up in the configuration, see Configure Service Request Default People and Authorizers.

The Approvers section is where you can send out the Service Request Approval email. If you have the default people, for the authorizes, set up then they will display in this area.


If needed, you can add approvers to the service request.

  1. Click the Add clipboard_eb72ddde0b071df310d691827a05b28a0.png icon.


2. From the Approver type drop-down, select the approver type. For example Assignee Email, F.Y.I., Property Authorizer, or IT Authorizer.

3. In the search people field, enter the name of the approver.

4.  The field will search as you type, select the name of the approver from the list.

The Service Request Approval email is sent to the approver and this is recorded in the Emails section of the Service Request.

If needed you can either:

  • add another approver, click the Add clipboard_ecca7362efe7363e912a01f1eb87bb40d.png icon.
  • resend the email to the approver, click the Emailclipboard_e9e5c807f7405ec2f1a0cd53eef3742ca.pngicon. The Service Request Reapproval email is sent.
  • resend all the emails to all of the FYI contacts and approvers, click the Resend All Emailsclipboard_e2ef9fba031efd52032261a59d74e2c07.pngicon.
  • remove the approver, click the Pencil clipboard_e4870e00c4a6135ee89745b5784f230cd.png icon next to the approver's name and then click the X icon.