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Eptura Knowledge Center

Add Retention Status via the Configuration module

Level: System Administrator

You can add a new retention status to the list.

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > General > Retention Statuses.
  2. Click the Add icon. The Add Retention Status form displays.


3. In the Name field, enter the name of the retention status.

4. In the Description field, enter a short description.

5. Check the Counts as Occupied check box if the retention status counts toward occupancy statistics in the VBS and reports. For example, a 'Contractor' retention status would count toward occupancy, while a 'Hot Desk' retention status would not.

6. Check the Enabled check box to enable the status in Workplace.

7. Check the Requires Comment check box to enforce mandatory comments in Workplace.

8. Click the Add Retention Status button.