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Shifts for Flexi Teams

The shift approach is easy to implement for Flexible teams as it is based on their assigned seating. 


The prerequisites for the process are:





Refer to Workplace Awareness in regards to creating a backup of your current state prior to back to work planning.

Client/Serraview Support

Buildings & Floors and underlying floorplans are up-to-date. 

3 Occupancy and allocation data is up-to-date.  Client
4 Complete the Situational Awareness activities to identify affected buildings/regions. Client

Create one floor per building to house remote workers, named "WFH". 

Refer to Add, Edit, or Delete a Floor or Floor Import.


Create 'WFH' tag against the Team tag set.

Refer to Add, Edit, Delete, Remove, or Merge Tags and  Apply Tags in the Block and Stack.


Create 'Blue Squad' and 'Red Squad' tags against the Person Attribute tag set.

Refer to Add, Edit, Delete, Remove, or Merge Tags and  Apply Tags in the Block and Stack.

8 If you want information from the business, set up either a Micro-survey or BOS.  Client/Serraview Support
9 If people are moving into permanently working from home, client to submit support ticket to add the Import - WFH Teams Report report. Serraview Support to add the report.  Client/Serraview Support
10 If people are moving into permanently working from home, client to submit support ticket to add the Import - WFH Occupancy Report. Serraview Support to add the report.  Client/Serraview Support
11 Client to submit support ticket to add the People (55) with Tags Report. Serraview Support to add the report. Client/Serraview Support
12 Client to submit support ticket to add the Occupancy Details (50) with Tags Report. Serraview Support to add the report. Client/Serraview Support
13 Client to submit support ticket to add the Shift Assignment Floorplan Dashboard. Serraview Support to add the report.  Client/Serraview Support
14 Client to submit support ticket to get the Back to Work - Space Capacity Changes reportSerraview Support to add the report.  Client/Serraview Support


The Shifts for Flexible Teams process involves:

Step Description

While you may not require any changes to seating, it is important to analyze the floor to see if there is any requirement to change meeting room seating capacity or space types.


Review the Insights Dashboard for Safe Seating Capacity

Use the following Insights Dashboards:


VBS Capacity Adjustment

To maintain any social distancing measures, you may consider one of the following options:

a) Adjust the team allocation using the eraser to remove every second desk from the team allocation, and change the team target ratio to 1. This means we cannot have more people within a shift that the number of allocated desks. Run Report 22 Floorplan Block and provide to teams so they can visualize their new allocation. 

b) Leave the allocation as is, and adjust the target ratio for neighborhoods/flexi teams to 0.5. When the allocation is not changed, it is important to communicate to teams that social distancing measures (e.g. not sitting at adjacent desks) is to be practiced. Refer to Change Flexible Team's Target Ratio and Floor and Neighborhood Capacity Calculation

Example - Floor with the right side of the floor in using the method at step 3a, and the left using step 3b.

back2work - chequerboard.PNG


Assess Workforce Demand 

Collect information about working from home or desired shifts using one of the following methods:

The number of people assigned to a shift cannot exceed the new capacity of the team as outlined in Report 22 Floorplan Block. (The new capacity is half of the number of desks originally allocated to the team).

Example A: A flexi team has 10 desks with a capacity of 1.2. They have 12 people assigned to the team. In step 3a, we adjusted the allocation to reduce the number of allocated desks to 5 and changed the target ratio to 1. This leaves us with a shift capacity of 5. 

Example B:  A flexi team has 10 desks with a capacity of 1.2. They have 12 people assigned to the team. In step 3b, we did not adjust the allocation, and only changed the target ratio to 0.5. Again, this leaves us with a capacity of 5 people per shift. 

In either of these examples, you would be left with 2 team members not allocated to a shift. These could be managed by encouraging self-nomination to work from home, or the Manager can look to CRE to relocate them to another location. 


Permanent work from home

If you have people moving to permanently work from home, this process will move them into WFH teams on your WFH floor. 

a) Navigate to Analytics > Reporting module and run the Import - WFH Teams ReportThis report generates one row for each team where one or more assigned people has the Work From Home field checked on their person record.

b)  Navigate to Admin > My Imports and perform a Team Import, using the Import - WFH Teams Report as your import file. This Team Import will create the teams on your WFH floor, with the team name appended with “- WFH”. and add a "WFH" team tag

c) Navigate to Analytics > Reporting module, run the Import - WFH Occupancy Report. This will Identify all people who have the Work From Home field checked on their person record.

d) Navigate to Admin > My Imports  and perform an Occupancy Import, using the Import - WFH Occupancy report as your import file. This will move all people from their original team to the WFH teams on the WFH floor.

If you only want to update the WFH status of people in bulk rather than move them into separate teams on a WFH floor, you can simply use Bulk Update or do a Person Import


Run and review the Shift Assignment Floorplan Dashboard

The people tags applied in step 5 allows us to run the Shift Assignment Floorplan Dashboard, showing us the split of staff into the Blue or Red Squads based on their current team.  This report allows you to review the shift allocations and confirm you have not assigned too many people into any shift according to the team capacity. 

back2work - shift assisgment dashboard report.PNG