VBS Peak People statistic (in the Information Panel) can be comparable to Portfolio Dashboards' Residents (found in the Residents and Non Residents Panel). The statistics are defined as:
VBS Peak People - The total number of (assigned) people detected the busiest on one day in a given time period. This will depend on the configured data source. Refer to View Block and Stack's Information Panel Statistics.
Portfolio Dashboards Residents - A person assigned to this location. Displays the Unique, Peak and Average metrics for this location for Residents. Refer to Residents and Non-residents Panel.
The reason the statistics are different are:
Portfolio Dashboards display where people were detected vs VBS assumes people work where they are assigned. For example, if all the teams are deleted from a building, the VBS will show its utilization is 0%, whereas Portfolio Dashboards Peak People will stay the same (though its Residents and Non residents values will change upon the server cache is refreshed).
Different data sources such as SVLive, Badge Swipe, sensors, or beacons. For example, by default Portfolio Dashboards display SVLive data and by default VBS displays Badge Swipe data.