Click the Update button. The Updating (number) People form displays.
The Person fields that can be updated are:
Work From Home check box
Opt-out of SVLive check box
Opt-out of Engage check box
Archive if not present in Import check box
Chat Type drop-down
Roles field
Person Tags field
The other fields that display are custom fields.
Bulk Update Tag Example
In this example, the people in the Funds Mgmt & Analysis team will be updated to have the Red Squad tag added.
Initially, when you want to update a field and you hover over it, the field will be disabled and the Don't cursor displays.
Hover the Don't Update link to display the menu.
As this is a Tag field it allows for tags to be added or removed, therefore you will be able to:
Overwrite - this will overwrite all existing tags
Add Only - this will add the tag to the existing tags
Delete Only - this will remove the tag from the existing tags
3. As you want to add a tag, select the Add Only.
4. In the Tag field, enter the name of the tag. For example Red Squad.
5. Click the Update button.
If your selection is a large data set then this will be sent as a job when you click the Update button. Serraview will receive this job and process update, therefore you will need to wait a few minutes for the job to be completed.