Maintain Sensors
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Impact on Service
User location data may not be accurate if sensors are missing. If sensors have been moved, desks and spaces may incorrectly appear in use. If sensors have been added, removed or moved desks and spaces may incorrectly appear empty while in use.
Utilization Reports List for SVLive and Sensor Data and Sensor Dashboards will not be accurate until sensor mappings are updated and/or the sensors are back online.
Sensors are Added, Removed or Moved
Each time a sensor is added, removed, or moved then the data mappings must be updated in the Sensor Vendor’s administration tool:
- Building Name in the sensor vendor's console must match the Building Name field in Serraview
- Floor Name in the sensor vendor's console must match the Floor Name field in Serraview.
- Space Name in the sensor vendor's console must match the Space Name field in Serraview.
More information on how to find the names are found in Occupancy Sensors.
Sensor Health
We recommend you regularly check on the Sensor’s health to make sure they are operating:
- Sensor Health Dashboard to check on how many sensors events per day the sensors records.
- If you have the Sensors integration set up for a floor then you will see on the Live View the status of the sensors, such as offline or no sensor. See the Space Module's Live View.
Serraview Only Configuration
By default, sensors are considered to be “Offline” if we don’t receive data from them for 2+ hours. To save energy, some sensors go to sleep and stop sending data when no activity has been detected for a certain amount of time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the sensors are offline. Your Serraview Administrator can manually set how long it takes before a sensor shows up as “Offline” and then the Space Module's Live View remains accurate, and will help Engage users determine which spaces are available.
To adjust the setting, complete the following:
- Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > General > Sensor Configuration.
- In the Hours Until Offline field, enter the hours.
- Click the Update button.