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Eptura Knowledge Center

Floor Area Breakdown Dashboard


This dashboard provides a set of floor size and its assignment/workpoint ratio metrics, grouped by state, region, and building, with the opportunity to drill into details for individual floors.

Special Data Elements

  • Rentable Area per Workpoint - The rentable area is divided by the number of workpoints.

  • Area per Workpoint - The total area divided by the number of workpoints.

  • Rentable Area per Person - The rentable area is divided by the number of assigned people.

  • Area per Person - The total area divided by the number of people..

Special Filters

  • Region Hierarchy Level filter - This filters the region name selector to show only those regions at the chosen hierarchy level and filters data to show values for regions at or below the selected level. Default = 2, which is one below the root node.


  • Area-related columns require the entry of area values for buildings in Serraview.
