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Add, Edit, or Delete Lockers

The management of the lockers can be completed in bulk via the Asset Import or manually.

Add Locker

You can add a new locker as an asset.

  1. Navigate to Resources > Lockers.
  2. Click the Add button. The Create Locker form displays.


Complete the following:

Field Description
Name field Enter a name consistent with existing conventions.
Barrel Number field Enter a barrel number for this asset if they are used in your organization. 
Type (Category) drop-down

Displays Lockers as the default. From the Type drop-down, select the asset type

Types can be added or removed under the Asset Category keyword set and are part of your asset hierarchy e.g. small car parking or disabled parking, refer to Configure Asset Category Keyword.

Location drop-down Select the floor where the storage, locker or car park will be located.
Storage Area field Select a mapped storage area. This field will provide auto-suggestions of storage areas specific to the floor selected above.
Owning Team field Select the team or org unit that owns this asset.
Limit to Location check box Check the Limit to Location check box so only teams or org unit at the location selected are included.
Current Owner field

Enter the name of the current owner.

If this asset is owned by a team (as set in the previous field) rather than an individual, then the field name changes to Contact and the person selected here will be the contact person for this asset.

Future Owner field

Enter the name of the future owner.

Comments field

Enter any comments.


  • When you have completed the details, click the Create button.

Edit Locker

You can edit an existing locker, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Resources > Locker.
  2. Double click the asset. The Edit Locker form displays.
  3. Edit the details.
  4. Click the Update button.

Delete Locker

You can delete a locker asset.

  1. Navigate to Resources > Locker.
  2. Select the asset. If you want to select multiple assets, then press the CTRL key while clicking the left mouse button to select multiple non-consecutive assets, or press the Shift key while clicking the left mouse button to select multiple consecutive assets.
  3. Click the Update icon.