General Reports List
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Report Name |
Description |
1 | 1 Buildings Report | The Buildings Report details building-level metrics across the portfolio. |
2 | 2 Floors Report | Floors Report provides floor-level metrics across the portfolio. |
3 |
Team-level metrics across the portfolio. |
4 |
Person and desk-level metrics across the portfolio. |
5 | 5 Lockers Report | Locker metrics across the portfolio. |
29 | 29 Floorplans Report | Floorplans Report provides a blank floorplan with no space or team mapping marked up. Labels showing occupants can be optionally displayed. |
34 | Contains the full data set for a container, including Chargeback, Space Type, and Tags. | |
36 |
Desks, areas, and workpoints are sorted by building and floor. |
49 |
Summary of Organizational Unit Hierarchy. |
50 |
List of current occupants and their workstations. |
55 |
People data from the corporate directory. |
117 |
117 Role Actions and Users Report |
Shows assigned actions and users for each role and each user type (i.e. Normal users, SSO, Anonymous users, and Robot). |
121 |
Provides a list of floorplans updated or created between the provided start date and end date. |
124 |
124 People to Workpoint Validation Report |
People To Workpoint Validation report. |
139 |
Displays workpoints and allocated people. Can be imported. |
150 |
Details the assets information across the portfolio or by location. |
154 |
Shows a list of all teams and what their target and actual occupancy ratios are |
156 |
156 Portfolio Summary Utilization Report |
Displays a summary of utilization by floor and building for the portfolio. |
163 |
163 Portal Updates Report |
Lists occupancy and comment changes. |
217 | 217 Storage Details Report | Details the storage information and exceptions across the portfolio. |
218 | 218 Locker Details Report | Details the locker information and exceptions across the portfolio. |
219 | 219 Car Park Details Report | Details the car park information and exceptions across the portfolio. |
220 |
220 Recent Change Requests Report |
Lists change requests over the last hour. |
232 |
232 Accommodation Report - Capacity and Opportunity |
Displays the capacity and opportunity. |
299 | 299 Archive Candidates Report | Contains the list of archive candidates for a given org unit. |
302 | 302 Person References Report | Lets you select either one employee or multiple employees, and these employees can have no connection. The report will display the details listed below for each employee. |
308 | 308 Serraview Space Types | Lists the space types in Serraview and their default values. |
309 | 309 Serraview Space Types - Floorplan Importer | Lists the space types and hierarchy in Serraview with default values. Includes column to associate Space Type Labels with CADs when using the Serraview Floorplan Importer. |
310 | 310 Serraview Space Types - SVLive Report | Lists the space types and hierarchy in Serraview with default values, including Show in Locator default value for configuring SVLive space types. |
323 | 323 Space Classification Import Report | This report is used in conjunction with the Space Type import to bulk update Space type Classifications. |
324 | 324 Mapped Space Type Report | Contains a list of spaces mapped in Serraview. You can run the report to find a particular space type. |
343 | 343 People and Desks without LDM Data |
This report will display people and desks that were once receiving utilization data but are no longer receiving data since the date selected. |
344 | 344 VBS Exceptions Report |
This report highlights VBS anomalies for review and action by the Corporate Real Estate team, such as:
345 |
This report displays the desk bookings made on the Engage app. |
347 | 347 Insights Validation Report | Displays the metrics for all buildings or a specific building, which can be compared to the Data Validation Dashboard. |
355 | 355 All Activity | This report will capture all Wired and Wi-Fi Utilization data for the selected building. The Summary tabs will be grouped by the Space and Person level. This report is based on Container Occupancy Intermediates (COI) data. |
361 | 361 Orphan Org Unit References Report | This report details items in Serraview that are pointing to org Units that are no longer in the Org Unit Hierarchy. |
367 | Engage Booking Rules - Floor Plan Report | This report shows the Engage booking rules for spaces on a floorplan. |
370 | First Responder List Report | This report lists the names and locations of your First Responders. |
371 | Last Updated Report | This report shows the details of changes to assets, people, person locations, and spaces between two dates. |