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Eptura Knowledge Center

General Reports List

The reports available are:


Report Name


1 1 Buildings Report The Buildings Report details building-level metrics across the portfolio.
2 2 Floors Report Floors Report provides floor-level metrics across the portfolio.


3 Allocations Report

Team-level metrics across the portfolio.


4 Occupancy Report

Person and desk-level metrics across the portfolio.

5 5 Lockers Report Locker metrics across the portfolio.
29 29 Floorplans Report Floorplans Report provides a blank floorplan with no space or team mapping marked up. Labels showing occupants can be optionally displayed.

34 Workstation Detail Report

Contains the full data set for a container, including Chargeback, Space Type, and Tags.


36 Detailed Building Stack Report

Desks, areas, and workpoints are sorted by building and floor.


49 Org Unit Hierarchy Report

Summary of Organizational Unit Hierarchy.


50 Occupancy Details Report

List of current occupants and their workstations.


55 People Report

People data from the corporate directory.


117 Role Actions and Users Report

Shows assigned actions and users for each role and each user type (i.e. Normal users, SSO, Anonymous users, and Robot).


121 Floorplan Updates Report

Provides a list of floorplans updated or created between the provided start date and end date.


124 People to Workpoint Validation Report

People To Workpoint Validation report.


139 My Workplace Occupancy Report

Displays workpoints and allocated people. Can be imported.


150 Asset Export Report

Details the assets information across the portfolio or by location.


154 Team Ratio Report

Shows a list of all teams and what their target and actual occupancy ratios are


156 Portfolio Summary Utilization Report

Displays a summary of utilization by floor and building for the portfolio.


163 Portal Updates Report

Lists occupancy and comment changes.
This is an export of the Portal Updates grid and it is available in the Profile Administration > Portal Updates' Quick Reports tab.

217 217 Storage Details Report Details the storage information and exceptions across the portfolio.
218 218 Locker Details Report Details the locker information and exceptions across the portfolio.
219 219 Car Park Details Report Details the car park information and exceptions across the portfolio.


220 Recent Change Requests Report

Lists change requests over the last hour.


232 Accommodation Report - Capacity and Opportunity

Displays the capacity and opportunity.

299 299 Archive Candidates Report Contains the list of archive candidates for a given org unit.
302 302 Person References Report Lets you select either one employee or multiple employees, and these employees can have no connection. The report will display the details listed below for each employee.
308 308 Serraview Space Types Lists the space types in Serraview and their default values.
309 309 Serraview Space Types - Floorplan Importer Lists the space types and hierarchy in Serraview with default values. Includes column to associate Space Type Labels with CADs when using the Serraview Floorplan Importer.
310 310 Serraview Space Types - SVLive Report Lists the space types and hierarchy in Serraview with default values, including Show in Locator default value for configuring SVLive space types.
323 323 Space Classification Import Report This report is used in conjunction with the Space Type import to bulk update Space type Classifications.
324 324 Mapped Space Type Report Contains a list of spaces mapped in Serraview. You can run the report to find a particular space type.
343 343 People and Desks without LDM Data

This report will display people and desks that were once receiving utilization data but are no longer receiving data since the date selected.

344 344 VBS Exceptions Report

This report highlights VBS anomalies for review and action by the Corporate Real Estate team, such as:

  • Multiple Location Employees - People have multiple assigned locations in Serraview.
  • Unassigned Employee - People have no assigned location in the system.
  • Flexi Occupants of Fixed Teams - Occupants have been onboarded as flexible occupants to fixed teams.
  • Block & Stack Exceptions - Teams that are considered to be in an invalid state due to team allocation (stack) not matching the number of workpoints mapped (blocked).
  • Invalid Team Size (Stack) - Teams that are considered to be in an invalid state with a team allocation (stack) value of '0'.
  • Unknown & Orphaned Teams - Teams that are 'Unknown' or 'Orphaned Cost Centre', they do not link back to a valid parent Org Unit. This is a result of uploading a new Org Structure Tree where no forwarding Cost Centre is provided for OrgUnits that have been deleted from the file.
  • Unallocated Desks - Floors have workpoints that have not been allocated to a team.


345 Desk Booking Report

This report displays the desk bookings made on the Engage app.

347 347 Insights Validation Report Displays the metrics for all buildings or a specific building, which can be compared to the Data Validation Dashboard.
355 355 All Activity This report will capture all Wired and Wi-Fi Utilization data for the selected building. The Summary tabs will be grouped by the Space and Person level. This report is based on Container Occupancy Intermediates (COI) data.
361 361 Orphan Org Unit References Report This report details items in Serraview that are pointing to org Units that are no longer in the Org Unit Hierarchy.
367 Engage Booking Rules - Floor Plan Report This report shows the Engage booking rules for spaces on a floorplan.
370 First Responder List Report This report lists the names and locations of your First Responders.
371 Last Updated Report This report shows the details of changes to assets, people, person locations, and spaces between two dates.