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Change Fixed Teams to be Flexi Teams in your Scenario

You can change the working style of one or move selected Fixed Team(s) to a Flexible Team(s). Then, you can update the Flexi Teams target ratio and this will update the capacity statistics in the Information Panel, refer to the above procedure.

To change teams to from fixed to flexible, complete the following:

  1. From the stack select one team or multiple teams, or change the Group By to an Org Unit Level. See Select multiple Teams in Scenario VBS.
  2. From the Scenario VBS Blocking Toolbar, click the Bulk update selected teams clipboard_e7c0163e98a76a19618d4799aa54d8354.png icon. The Bulk Update Teams form displays. 

This lets you to change the working style of one or more selected teams from a Fixed team to a Flexible team.

3. For the Change Teams to Flexible, click the Apply button.


4. Click the Update Teams button.

When you change a Fixed team to a Flexible Team, all occupants are automatically removed from desks and placed in the team.



