The Bulk Update grid lets you either select the all rows (the entire data set) or a selection of rows.
All Rows
This selects the entire data set.
Search and filter the grid rows.
Click the Select All Rows button.
All the rows in the search and filter results will be selected.
If you selection is a large data set then this will be sent as a job when you click the Update button. The Serraview system will receive this job and process update, therefore you will need to wait a few minutes for the job to be completed.
All Rows displayed on the screen
This selects only the rows displayed on the screen.
Optional - Select the Pagination drop-down, select the number pages to display. For example:
In the column header, check the item check box. This will select all of the Bulk Update grid rows. If you want to to deselect all of the rows then uncheck the item check box.
Nonconsecutive Rows
Use this to select different rows.
In the row, check the item check box to select the row.
Consecutive Rows
Use this to select multiple consecutive rows.
Hold the Shift key and click the first row's item check box.
Click the last row's item check box. This will select all rows between those two points.