Room Booking Service and Locator FAQs Last updated Save as PDF This section contains some frequently asked questions about the Room Booking.How do I change the default room reservation duration?When was the Meeting Room Data last synced?Why can I not book a room (non-bookable)?Why does the calendar system not update when I book a space?Why does the Reserve button's availability keep spinning?Why does the Reserve button not work?Why does the room timeline range not match the Microsoft Outlook / Google Calendar? No labels Further Reading
This section contains some frequently asked questions about the Room Booking.How do I change the default room reservation duration?When was the Meeting Room Data last synced?Why can I not book a room (non-bookable)?Why does the calendar system not update when I book a space?Why does the Reserve button's availability keep spinning?Why does the Reserve button not work?Why does the room timeline range not match the Microsoft Outlook / Google Calendar?