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Navigate People Directory

People Directory contains the following:
  • Manage People Directory screen
  • Archive Candidates screen
  • From the left menu, click Resources > People Directory. The Manage People Directory screen displays.


This screen consists of the following:

Element Description
clipboard_e339fc884d4d22da86ddaacba9c0f5da4.png Add Person icon
clipboard_e43828b60c720f2678091a6f5ed658a0c.png Search field
clipboard_e710d1e6e638fe01d1a31ba13259c785f.png Filter icon
clipboard_e0f6e0e9fc7f53bf0d2c3144e9e4a5842.png Audit History icon

The columns include:

  • Employee Number
  • System Logon - this is a manually entered field (or supplied via the Person Import) that needs to match the logon name that clients have on their end on their internal HR system. 

Remember that when a new user is created as an SSO user, then this user will be created in Serraview and this is based on the Logon Identifier, refer to Configure Default User Role and the Logon Identifier.

  • Serraview Username - this is used for the authentication into the Serraview product. This field links the person to a user account.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Email
  • Org Unit
  • Primary Location


  1. From the left menu, click Resources > People Directory.
  2. Click the Archive Candidate tabs. The Archive Candidates screen displays.


Element Description
clipboard_e2d30aa97a6020c2b109e174532aec29a.png Archive icon
clipboard_e412c039dd9bff262995fed2d523c931a.png Archive All icon
clipboard_e97c31c365c7b2ff267c0617fbc904d38.png Reject icon
clipboard_e6d7c952b1bbc342cd00695f83cf4e11a.png Reject All icon
clipboard_e6bc496c33e91b2f07e3239e21c56a8df.png Search field
clipboard_ea80e03acf64d6f6564f85be9f54bc0f9.png Filter icon
clipboard_e4d095fca0641cf337582eb742f4cfe41.png Audit History icon

The columns include:

  • Employee Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Email
  • Primary Location
  • Org Unit
  • Date Nominated



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