Select multiple BOS Grid Rows Last updated Save as PDF << Use the BOS Search and Filter in the BOS Move Data Refresh the BOS Move Plan Data from Live >> Some BOS fields allow multi-select so users can perform bulk actions or updates such as: Refresh from Live Push Occupants to Live Delete Move Rows Send the Ready Set Go emails Select All Rows in the BOS Grid If you want to select all the BOS Grid rows. Click the Select All Rows icon. All the BOS Grid rows are selected and, for example, if you refreshed from the live Block & Stack (VBS) then all 55 rows will be refreshed. All Rows displayed on the screen This selects the rows displayed on the screen. Select the Pagination drop-down, select the number of pages to display. For example: In the column header, check the item check box. This will only select all the items displayed on the page. Nonconsecutive Rows Use this to select different rows. In the row, check the item check box to select the row. Consecutive Rows Use this to select multiple consecutive rows. Hold the Shift key and click the first row's item check box. Click the last row's item check box. This will select all rows between those two points.
Refresh the BOS Move Plan Data from Live >> Some BOS fields allow multi-select so users can perform bulk actions or updates such as: Refresh from Live Push Occupants to Live Delete Move Rows Send the Ready Set Go emails Select All Rows in the BOS Grid If you want to select all the BOS Grid rows. Click the Select All Rows icon. All the BOS Grid rows are selected and, for example, if you refreshed from the live Block & Stack (VBS) then all 55 rows will be refreshed. All Rows displayed on the screen This selects the rows displayed on the screen. Select the Pagination drop-down, select the number of pages to display. For example: In the column header, check the item check box. This will only select all the items displayed on the page. Nonconsecutive Rows Use this to select different rows. In the row, check the item check box to select the row. Consecutive Rows Use this to select multiple consecutive rows. Hold the Shift key and click the first row's item check box. Click the last row's item check box. This will select all rows between those two points.