Validate Building and Floors Data
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Validation via Reporting
Now that the information resides in Serraview, it is also available to you in report format.
Building data can be validated by running 1 Buildings Report and floor data validated 2 Floors Report.
In System Validation
The building and floor data will become available post import for validation in the Building & Floors module as outlined below.
Building Data
The Buildings & Floors module is accessed via:
- Navigate to Resources > Buildings & Floors.
- Click the building name. The building overview displays and you can review the building details.
The Buildings and Floors module is a central repository for building data such as location, leasing information, budget, rating, the annual cost to maintain a building, and other key information. It presents a tabular display of all buildings in the portfolio with visible key information per building.
Detailed building information such as leasing, location, rating, and budget is available on the Building Form which can be accessed by double-clicking on each building entry in this module. For more information about buildings and floors, refer to Buildings and Floors.
Floor Data
In addition to the building data, floor data is collected and loaded into Serraview and this includes CAD floorplans loaded into Serraview (both current and historical), leasing information, NLA (net lettable area), and annual costs.
The floor can be accessed via:
- Navigate to Resources > Buildings & Floors.
- Click the building name. The building overview displays.
- Click the floor number. The floor overview displays and you can review the floor details.
The Floor displays with the floor details, refer to View Floor Overview and for more information about floorplans, refer to Floorplan Management.
The visibility of this building within Serraview (e.g. Space Viewer, VBS, Locator, Workplace) is set on the Floor, refer to Add, Edit, or Delete a Floor.