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Eptura Knowledge Center

Booking Attendee History Details Dashboard


Those concerned with overseeing compliance with reduced occupancy protocols also may need to audit records of actual behavior vs policy.

This dashboard gathers booking data from Engage and other available sources and provides:

  • a list of persons, grouped by building, floor, zone, and neighborhood
  • by whom
  • for how long

The default perspective is the past day, but the date range is adjustable to explore any range of booking history and for any location. This enables support for a variety of other use cases.

For data delivery, the Schedule feature provides a convenient means of scheduling daily emails of filtered record sets to designated recipients.

Special Data Elements

  • Local Attendees - Persons whose regularly assigned location is the same as the location of the booking.
  • Non-Local Attendees - Persons whose regularly assigned location is other than the location of the booking.
  • Click on any of the Attendee counts to drill to a list of the attendees and their details.
  • Duration - This column displays duration to the nearest minute for bookings up to 2 hours long. For bookings from 2 hours up to 24 hours, it displays as hours, rounded to the nearest tenth. For bookings of 1 day or longer, it displays as days, rounded to the nearest tenth.

Special Filters

  • Is Desk Booking? filter -
    • Yes this shows only desk bookings.
    • No this shows only meeting/collaboration space reservations; Default = show all.
  • Booking Data Provider filter - Limit the results to one or more sources of booking records.


  • This report shows booking history up to the time of the most recent refresh of Insights data, which is currently configured to update nightly. If you want more update-to-date data then the ETL (Extract Transform Load) Time Series Frequency can be changed to from nightly to hourly. Contact your Customer Success Manager to have this setting changed.
