Use Locator (SVLive) via mobile or tablet
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Find and book Space via mobile app – Global Search
To find a space in which to have a meeting or collaborate with colleagues and you know the space you want to book, you can use the global search to find and book the space.
- Tap on the
icon to navigate to the global search field, and type in the name of the space you want to locate.
2. Tap the name of the space you want to view to view it on a floorplan.
3. If the room is free, you can request to book the room by tapping the Book Now button.
4. Tap on the time period you want to book the room for (e.g. 15 min) and the room will display on the floorplan with a blue tick to signify that it is booked. This booking is reflected both in Locator and your associated calendar management system.
Search and filter space via mobile app
If you do not know the name of the space you want to book but are looking for certain attributes (e.g. conference phone or data projector), you can use the search and filter options within the Find a Space tool.
- On the Serraview mobile app, tap the
icon to access the Find a Space tool. If this is your first time visiting this tool since opening the app, it will default to your bookmarked page if you have one assigned, or you will need to navigate to the floor using the navigation tools.
- All available rooms will display in green.
- Tap the Filter button.
4. Use the filters to choose the period of time, space capacity, space type and space attributes.
5. Tap the Apply Filter button.
6. Only spaces that match your criteria will display on the floorplan in green. Tap on the room you want to book and tap the Book Now button.
7. Tap on the time period you want to book the room for and the room will display on the floorplan with a blue tick to signify that it is booked. This booking is reflected both in Locator and your associated calendar management system.
Find a Desk (Work Space) via mobile app
- Tap the
icon to navigate to the People and Work Spaces tab.
- Select the building and floor you want to search.
- The floorplan will display, with the legend in the bottom left displaying which desks are/are not currently occupied. Tap on an unoccupied desk to select it then tap the Reserve button.
4. If you want to see who is already in an occupied desk, zoom in on the floorplan and tap on the desk to display their details.
5. After reserved the desk will display with a blue tick and be marked as occupied for a pre-set period of time (usually 5 minutes) during which time you can move to the desk and occupy it.
If you want to cancel a desk booking, tap the Cancel Booking button after reserving the desk.
Filter and Search Desks (work spaces) via mobile app
- Tap the
icon to navigate to the People and Work Spaces tab.
- Select the building and floor you want to search. The floorplan will display, with the legend in the bottom left displaying which desks are currently occupied.
- Tap the Filter button to see the work space filter options.
4. Choose the Space Type and Space attributes you are looking for.
5. Tap the Apply Filter button.
Tap the Reset button in the top right to clear your filters and start again. After you have navigated to a floor, you will need to exit Find a Desk (i.e. tap on one of the other tools) then return to begin a fresh search.
6. Desks matching your search criteria will be displayed in orange on the floorplan.
7. Tap to select the required desk.
8. Tap the Reserve button.
9. The desk will be unavailable on Locator for a short period to enable you to walk to the reserved desk and log into your corporate network. This time period is usually 5 minutes; however, this time period can be configured.
10. Make your way to the desk and log into your corporate network.
11. If you want to cancel the reservation, tap on the workpoint again and tap the Cancel Booking button.
Find a Person via mobile app
- Sign into the Serraview mobile app.
- Tap on the
- In the global search field, type in the name of the person you want to locate.
4. If you search for a user with multiple locations, you will be taken to their primary location.
5. Tap the workstation to display the person's contact details and current location. If detected in multiple locations, they will also be listed here.
If the person has no current location, only the contact details are displayed.
6. If they only have one location, then tap on their name to see them highlighted on the floorplan. Below are some examples of how people will be displayed.
- Person using docking station
- Person on Wi-Fi
- Person assigned to the Flexi team / Neighborhood which is not blocked to specific workpoint on the floor.
Browse people via mobile app
If you want to see who is sitting on a floor, you can use the Find a Desk (Work Space) tool which displays information about people and desks on a floorplan.
This will only display people who are connected via a wired-up desk, not via Wi-Fi or people located in meeting rooms.
- Tap on the
icon from the home page
- Navigate to the building and floor you want to browse.
- Tap on a workpoint to see who is sitting at the location.