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Eptura Knowledge Center

Security in Reporting

Secured Action Description
Reports - Access  Access to the Reporting module.
Reporting - Copy URL to clipboard

Ability to copy the reporting URL to the clipboard, this is used in Automated Reports.

As reports can contain sensitive information, restrictions are set using secured actions control which users can:

  • access the report (to see the name of the report in a list).
  • open and view the report's data.
  • open and view the data of emailed reports sent by others.
  • share the report with others via email.
  • edit reports.

Access, open, and view a report's data

The user's role must include the specific action for that report ending in (View). Without this, they will be unable to see the report in their report's list and they will be unable to open a report emailed to them by another user.

For example:

  • Report [141] - Workpoint Properties (View)

Email a report to another user

The user's role must include the specific action for that report ending in (View & Share).

For example:

  • Report[141] - Workpoint Properties (View & Share)

Edit a report

The user's role must include the specific action for that report ending in (Admin) and they need the (View & Share) secured action.

For example:

  • Report[141] - Workpoint Properties (Admin)


If you require access then contact your System Administrator. For information on how to add secured actions to a role, refer to Manage User Roles.