Click the Update button. The Updating (number) Team form displays.
The Team fields that can be updated are:
Administrator Comments field
Tags field
Default Target Ratio field and check box
Workplace Administrator field
Storage Administrator field
BOS Coordinator field
Technology Coordinators field
The fields that display are custom fields.
Bulk Update Tag Example
In this example, the teams on Floor 11, 12 Madison, New York will be updated to have the Business Critically 1 tag added.
Initially, when you want to update a field and you hover over it, the field will be disabled and the Don't cursor displays.
Hover the Don't Update link to display the menu.
As this is a Tag field it allows for tags to be added or removed, therefore you will be able to:
Overwrite - this will overwrite all existing tags
Add Only - this will add the tag to the existing tags
Delete Only - this will remove the tag from the existing tags
3. As you want to add a tag, select the Add Only.
4. In the Tag field, enter the name of the tag. For example Business Critically 1.
5. Click the Update button.
If your selection is a large data set then this will be sent as a job when you click the Update button. Serraview will receive this job and process update, therefore you will need to wait a few minutes for the job to be completed.