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Statistics in the Block and Stack

Learn about why data integrity is important for the quality of your statistics, the Information Panel's definitions, and see how the Floor and Neighborhood Capacity Calculation is worked out in a detailed example.

Data Integrity

Lack of data integrity is the most common reason that Serraview statistics in the Block and Stack (VBS) may appear incorrect. Below details some of the key issues Corporate Real Estate teams encounter and how to fix them:

Org Unit Structure contains Orphans

As your organization changes, you may find that teams in the VBS have become "orphaned". This means that either they or their parent org unit have been changed or moved in the org unit structure, and Serraview no longer recognizes where that team sits within your business. When this happens, you may find unexpected results viewing statistics when selecting org units, particularly at a high level in your org unit structure, as it may not be immediately apparent that a team has been orphaned. 

You can find out if any of your teams have been orphaned, by:

  1. Navigate to the building.
  2. From the Legend area, click the Advanced button.
  3. From the Color By drop-down select Org Unit.
  4. From the Group By drop-down to Org Unit Level 1.
  5. Click the Teams tab.
  6. Review the teams listed for any teams that have been orphaned.

Also, you can run 36 Detailed Building Stack Report against Orphan Org Units in the Reports module to see all stacked teams that have been orphaned within your building.

Your System Administrator is responsible for managing the Orphan Org Units. For more information, refer to Update Orphan Org Units.

Incorrect Occupancy Data

If your occupancy data is incorrect, then your People, Occupancy Ratio, Opportunity and Utilization statistics will not display correctly.

The common methods to update VBS occupancy are:

Incorrect Space Mapping

If you want to have a space with zero workpoints, it is important to remember which space types count as zero when reviewing statistics in the VBS.It is possible to allocate a space to a team where the space has zero workpoints. This affects the appearance of statistics such as Opportunity and Capacity. This can happen when you choose the wrong space type initially, or you change a space type and forget to check the number of workpoints that the space has.

Individual Space

You can change the workpoint count on an individual space.

From the VBS, complete the following:

  1. Click the Edit Mode button.
  2. Navigate to the space.
  3. Double click the space. The Update space form displays.
  4. In the Workpoints field, enter in the number of workpoints.
  5. Click the Update Space button.

Multiple Spaces

If you have multiple spaces that have been mapped incorrectly with zero workpoints, they can be updated in bulk using the following methods. This is usually the responsibility of your System Administrator.

Workpoint Import

For a select group of spaces, use the Workpoint Import to update the workpoint count for the affected spaces, refer to the Workpoint Import and VBS.

Update All Mapped Spaces

For all mapped spaces of a particular space type.

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > Reference Data > Space Types.
  2. Click on the space type to edit it.
  3. From the Default Attributes tab, check the Can have workpoints checkbox.
  4. Click the Update Space Type button.

Incorrect Target Ratios

Example 1

When setting up Serraview, a default target ratio is applied to the entire portfolio. This target ratio then filters down as the default target ratio for each new Building, Floor, Neighborhood or Team. This default can be overridden.

If you change the target ratio for a building, that default target ratio for the building is the one that gets filtered down as the default to its floors, hoods and teams.

Example 2

If you change the target ratio for an individual floor, the building target ratio is not affected, however any hoods or teams added to that floor will default to the floor's target ratio.

Example 3

If you change the target ratio for a neighborhood, the building and floor target ratios are not affected, however any teams created in that neighborhood will have their target ratio default to the neighborhood's target ratio.

Example 4

If you change the target ratio for a team, the building, floor (or neighborhood) target ratios are not affected.

This flexibility in target ratios can lead to flexible teams being set to a target ratio of 1 (a "fixed" target ratio). This can affect the expected Capacity and Opportunity statistics, particularly when this is viewed at a high level of your Org Unit structure.

Update Target Ratios

On the building, floor, neighborhood, and team forms, there is a Target Ratio checkbox that is checked. This means that the default is being applied, in the cascading order described above: Portfolio, Building, Floor, Neighborhood, then Team.

You can change the target ratio.

  1. Uncheck the Target Ratio checkbox.
  2. In the target ratio field, enter the number.

For more information on changing the target ratios, refer to the following topics:


When you overstack a neighborhood or a floor, the Capacity, Opportunity, Occupied, Unoccupied and Occupancy Ratio statistics can all be impacted. For more information, refer to Stack WarningsIt is possible to allocate more desks to teams than could physically fit inside a Neighborhood, or on a Floor. Warnings shown against Floors and Neighborhoods provide a visual of when this has occurred. When this occurs, it is called overstacking.