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Create or Duplicate your Scenario Plan

In the Scenario Planner module, you can:

Watch the Video - Create and Duplicate Scenario Plan & Security

Audio: Sound Length: 2:45 mins  Direct link:

Create a Scenario Plan

After you have completed the prerequisites for the Scenario Planner module, you can create a Scenario Plan. Remember for Public Scenario Plans, you need to be an Owner or Co-owner to be able to create or duplicate a Scenario Plan. 


From the Scenario Plan Overview screen, complete the following:

  1. Click the Scenario Plan button. The Create Scenario Plan dialog displays.


2. In the Name field, enter the name of the Scenario Plan.

The Scenario Plan name cannot contain the % character. If you try to create a Scenario Plan that has % in the name, then the message "Something went wrong creating the Scenario Plan“ displays.

3. For the Security options, select either Public or Private.

4. From the Impacted Buildings drop-down, select the buildings to include in the scenario.

5. In the Description field, enter the short description.

6. Click the Create Scenario Plan button.

The Scenario Plan Details screen displays.

Duplicate a Scenario Plan

As you refine your Scenario Plan, you can copy the plan and make adjustments until you reach the final approved plan. Remember for Public Scenario Plans, you need to be an Owner or Co-owner to be able to create or duplicate a Scenario Plan. 

  1. From the Scenario Plan Overview screen, click the scenario plan you want to duplicate.
  2. Click the Duplicate Plan button. The message displays, "Are you sure you want to duplicate this Scenario Plan?"
  3. Click the OK button. The message displays, "Scenario Plan duplicated successfully - The new copy is available here."


4. Click the here link to display the scenario plan.

5. Click the Name's Edit clipboard_eb04a63dda919b75671b2cbcb4e5891cc.pngicon to change the scenario's name.


6. In the Name field, enter the name of the Scenario Plan.

7. Click the Save button.

The duplicated Scenario Plans are listed in the Scenario Plan Overview screen.


Edit an Existing Scenario Plan

You can filter and/or search to find your existing Scenario Plan.


Use the Show Filters

  • Click the All button to display all the plans.
  • Click the Mine button to display the plans you are an owner or co-owner of.

Use the Search

  • In the Search field, enter your search criteria.

To edit an existing scenario plan, click the scenario plan row. The Scenario Plan Details screen displays. From this screen you can either: