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Locator Troubleshooting

Locator and SVLive2 Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting issues and resolutions, see 2. Floor Accuracy when using Locator.

Locator and SVLive1 Troubleshooting

The following troubleshooting articles will help you diagnose and solve problems.

Situation Description

No users displaying in Locator after Show in Wayfinding is enabled for a building and floor.

See the articles for how to enable a building and floor Add, Edit, or Delete a Building and Add, Edit, or Delete a Floor.

You need to wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour for the change to take effect, and for occupants to start displaying at the desks.

There is no activity (wired or wi-fi) seen on Locator in ALL of my buildings.

The MLS server is not running and it will need to be restarted, see Start and Stop MLS Server.

Contact the Serraview Support team if it is still not running.

There is no activity (no wired, yes wi-fi) seen on Locator in ALL of my buildings.

Contact the Serraview Support team.
There is no activity (no wired, yes wi-fi) seen on Locator in ONE/SOME of my buildings/floors.

There is an issue with the switches in this building/floor, and the MLS is unable to reach them.

To resolve this:

  • Contact your internal IT to verify the switches are active and configured correctly.
  • Run an SNMP Walk from your MLS server to ensure connectivity. 

There is no activity (yes wired, no wi-fi) seen on Locator in ALL of my buildings.

Contact the Serraview Support team.

There is no activity (yes wired, no wi-fi) seen on Locator in ONE/SOME of my buildings/floors.

There is an issue with the Access Points in this building/floor, and we are not able to retrieve or process wireless data.

  • Contact your internal IT to verify the access points are active and have not been changed.
  • Review your current access point configuration (inc space name and BSSIDs in Serraview), see the article Wireless Access Point Configuration
  • The IP Address of the site may not be added to Serraview’s IP Whitelist. Contact Serraview Support to confirm that it’s been added.
When you expect to see a user at a desk (wired) but you only see a gray dot.


Get another User that you know is working accurately (ie, a Blue Dot when they are connected to a port) to bring their device (laptop) over to plug in at the Gray Dot desk.

  • Do they appear?

    • Yes? The first User’s device is probably the issue. Get the Event Viewer Logs from this first user.

    • No?

Get the user expected to be seen, to log into another User’s device at another desk, where you know the User is working accurately (Blue dot), and then wait for 5-10 minutes.

  • Do they appear at this new desk?

    • Yes? The first device is the issue.

    • No? The user’s Active Directory (AD) profile / Standard Operating Environment (SOE) image is the issue.

Window Event Viewer Logs

From Windows:

  1. Click the Windows Start button.
  2. Search for the Control Panel.
  3. Click the Administrative Tools.
  4. Double click the Event Viewer.

In the Event Viewer, you will find the Windows Logs for the Applications.

User logs in from home and appears at the desk they were at yesterday Known Issue, a patch is being developed.
User plugs into a desk, user logs in, and the user appears at another desk, or not at all.

Why might this happen?

  • If your Wireup Mapping is imported by a CSV file, there is a chance of something being changed in the Patching of the floor’s switches, between the time of CSV file creation and running this test.

  • There may have been some minor Patching changes in the Switch cupboard, where local IT Teams may have changed patching to resolve an unrelated issue.

  • There may have been minor Patching changes under the user’s desk, where local users or local IT Teams may have used alternative ports. For example, a 4-port bay under the desk where the dock is patched into Port 1, maybe moved to Ports 2-4 to resolve an unrelated issue.


To resolve any Desk mis-match would be to run a manual wireup of the affected desks:

  1. Wireup the desk manually.

  2. Test again.

In the case of turning up at the wrong desk, then manually wireup of the TWO affected desks:

  • Where 1 known-working User is logged in at Desk 1, and you then wireup Desk 2.

  • Then, log out and get 1 known-working user to log in at Desk 2, and you then wireup Desk 1.

  • This approach improves the accuracy of the wireup, if there are other undiagnosed Patching issues.

Locator with Manual Occupancy

The assignment of people to a desk, team, or neighborhood is a manual process, managed by your System Administrator. They may use imports to update occupancy data, have business unit reps assist by updating Serraview Workplace, or make manual changes themselves. If a person is displayed at the wrong desk, then contact your System Administrator.

User logs in from home, connects to the VPN, and gets located on the floor as a Wi-Fi connection

This is a known issue where the VPN is not enforcing Unique Mac Addresses, at the Virtual Adapter NIC level.

A patch is being planned to filter out duplicate Mac Addresses, resulting in Users no longer being given a location i.e, cleaner data.