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Eptura Knowledge Center

Navigate Buildings and Floors

Let us guide you through the Buildings and Floors module so you can become more familiar with this module.

From the left-menu, click Resources > Buildings & Floors. The Manage Buildings screen displays.


This screen consists of the following:

Element Description


Add Building icon


Non-VBS Buildings filters


Search field 

You can search for a building's name.

clipboard_e413de876a59fffa32091db24405bf713.png Advanced filter, where you can filter by the region and type or building.


The Building grid contains the following:

  • Name
  • Region
  • Type
  • Floors
  • Gross Area - This displays the GLA (Gross Lettable Area).
  • Workpoints

Building name hyperlink

When you are working on multiple buildings in your portfolio and want to compare their details, it is useful to have multiple buildings open. 

You will see a list of your buildings and the building name is a hyperlink which lets you click on it to edit the building. Or you can right-click the name and select either Open link in a new tab or Open link in a new window.

