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Eptura Knowledge Center

Alternative Options when sending 360Facility Work Orders to Serraview

Responsible: 360Facility Implementation Manager

We recommend you use Option 1 as this is the most popular setup and this is outlined in the Integration Workflow in the Integration Accruent 360Facility and Serraview article. Options 2 and 3 are alternative ways to send 360Facility (Parent) Work Orders to Serraview.

The information below is provided for general information only.

Option Pros and Cons Serraview Confirmation Impact

Option 1

Send 360Facility Parent Work Order to Serraview by assigning to a generic integration user

A generic user called “Integration User” is setup in 360Facility.

When 360Facility Work Orders are manually or auto assigned to the Integration User, they will push to Serraview. The Serraview Service Request (Parent Work Order) defaults to “Unassigned”.


  • The Work Order can be assigned to a user and remain in 360Facility until the user is ready to manually reassign to the Integration User.
  • Enables an approval process in 360Facility for specific Request Types before sending to Serraview.
  • 360Facility can be configured to manually or automatically assign to the Integration User based on specific Request Types.
  • A mix of the above options may be used. For example, Request Types for large moves may go through an approval process, where small moves may automatically push to Serraview.


  • The Work Orders come into Serraview as “Unassigned” and must be manually reassigned.
  • A 360Facility Request Type cannot be in both the set of Request Types used to send Work Orders to Serraview and the set of Request Types used by Serraview to create Child Work Orders. This creates a circular reference.


Option 2

Send 360Facility Parent Work Order to Serraview by Request Type

360Facility is configured to automatically push all Work Orders of a specific Request Type to Serraview based on enabling a “Push to External System” flag on the Request Type configuration.


  • Automatically pushes the Parent Work Order to Serraview regardless of routing rules or assignee.


  • Prevents the use of a 360Facility approval workflow prior to sending to Serraview.
  • A 360Facility Request Type cannot be in both the set of Request Types used to send Work Orders to Serraview and the set of Request Types used by Serraview to create Child Work Orders. This creates a circular reference.


Option 3

Send 360Facility Parent Work Order to Serraview by a Specific User

360Facility is configured to push all Work Orders assigned to specific users to Serraview


  • Enables the Work Orders to be automatically assigned to specific users in Serraview.


  • Prevents the use of a 360 approval workflow prior to sending to Serraview.
  • All Work Orders, regardless of Request Type, will be sent to Serraview. Meaning some non-space related Work Orders may get erroneously pushed to Serraview.

All Serraview users who are to be assigned the 360Facility work orders in Serraview, must be setup in Serraview with the appropriate matching credentials as described in Assignee Data in the 360Facility Data Requirements article.