Badge Based Occupancy Requirements Dashboard
This dashboard uses Badge data to provide insightful suggestions for how much space is actually required by teams.
The core idea is to use a Percentile value to determine how many desks are needed to meet it. For example, if the Percentile is set to 80 and the Required Workpoints shows 10, that means 10 desks are needed such that for 80% of days, that team will have enough desks. Median is a similar idea. A Percentile of 50 would be the same as Median.
A Percentile of 100 would answer the question ‘how many desks are needed so that even on the busiest day, attendees have enough desks?' A Percentile of 50 would answer the question ‘how many desks are needed so that half the time, attendees have have enough desks’.
This provides an extremely powerful tool to determine how much space is actually needed by teams. Wide Date Ranges are recommended, as is adjusting the Hours filter to limit it to people who actually need a desk rather then just came in.
Special Data Elements
- Required Workpoints = The number of workpoints needed to support the selected Percentile
- Total Assignments = An occupancy statistic based in the current assignment data. Counts total person assignments plus retained (occupied) workpoints
- Sum Of Required Workpoints For Each Org Unit = Calculates Required Workpoints for each org unit (grouped at the selected level) and sums it. This value can be higher or lower then the overall Required Workpoints based on the dates and values each org unit hit its Percentile.
- Sum Of Busiest Day People For Each Org Unit = Calculates the Busiest Day attendees for each org unit and sums it. This can be higher than the overall Busiest Day as the busiest day for each org unit could have been on different days.
Special Filters
- Percentile - Controls what date (and value) to look for with respect to Required Workpoints. A value of 50 would be the day with the Median value
- Hours - Can be used to filter out records of people who were not in the office long enough to use a desk. Or a filter setting of ‘Is Null’ is required to include records with no Hours activity.
- Org Unit Level - The org unit level used to group the activity. Lower levels will tend to increase the Sum of Required Workpoints for each Org Unit
- All Org Units are based on Home Location Org Unit.
- People with no Home Location (and therefore no Home Location Org Unit) are grouped as No Home Location.
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Daily Visualization