Click a service request to edit. The Edit Service Request screen displays.
Update Cost Center
For the field you want to edit , click the Pencil icon to edit and the drop-down displays.
From the Cost Center drop-down, search or select the cost center.
From the Charge To drop-down, search or select the cost center that will be charged.
Update Costs
If the service request has costs involved, you can manage the costs involved.
Click the Edit icon to edit. The Costs dialog displays.
2. Click the Addicon.
3. Complete the following:
Name field
Enter the name of a supplier.
Supplier drop-down
Select the name of the supplier.
Reference field
Enter the reference number.
Cost field
Enter the cost.
4. Click the Add new cost button.
5. When you have completed the costs, click the Close button.
If needed you can either:
add another cost, click the Add icon
edit the the cost, click the Pencil icon
delete the cost, click the Trash icon.
The service request may have default costs configured and the costs will be associated to the request type, refer to Configure Service Request Default Costs.