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Eptura Knowledge Center

Import Reports

The reports available are:


Report Name



139 My Workplace Occupancy Report

This report displays workpoints and allocated people. This can be imported.


141 Workpoint Properties Report

The data from this report can be submitted to the Workpoint Import to bulk update the workpoint data.


303 Import - Allocation to Desk Report

An export for importing back into Serraview. Allows the import of Teams and Neighborhoods to a desk level. Supports fixed teams, flexible teams, and neighborhoods.


304 Import - Allocation to Floor Report

An export for importing back into Serraview. Allows the import of Teams and Neighborhoods to a floor level. Supports fixed teams, flexible teams, and neighborhoods.


305 Import - Occupancy to Desk Report

An export for importing back into Serraview. Allows the import of people to workstations.


306 Import - Occupancy to Existing Team Report

An export for importing back into Serraview. Allows the import of people to existing teams.


307 Import - Occupancy to New Team Report

An export for importing back into Serraview. Create teams and then imports people into the new teams.


309 Serraview Space Types - Floorplan Importer

Lists the space types and hierarchy in Serraview with default values. Includes column to associate Space Type Labels with CADs when using the Serraview Floorplan Importer.


323 Space Classification Import Report

This report is used in conjunction with the Space Type import to bulk update Space type Classifications.

348 348 Asset Import Template This report is used to extract data for Asset import. You will be able to import new assets or modify existing assets.
349 349 Team Import Template This report is used to extract team data for the Team Import. You will be able to import in new teams or modify existing teams.
350 350 Switch Import This report is used to extract switch data for the Switch Import. You will be able to import new switches, modify, or archive existing switches.
351 351 Occupant Flexi Team Import This report is used to extract the Flexible Team's data for the Occupancy Import. You will be able to import the modified employees' occupancy details.
352 352 Occupancy Fixed Workpoint Import This report is used to extract Fixed Team's data for the Occupant Import. You will be able to import the modified employees' occupancy details.
353 353 Person Import with Tag This report is used to extract data for the Person Import. You will be able to import the modified details for the employees and tags.
354 354 Person Import With Attributes This report is used to extract data for the Person Import. You will be able to import the modified details for the employees and attributes.
362 Neighborhood Import Template This report is used to extract team data for the Neighborhood Import. You will be able to import in new neighborhoods or modify existing neighborhoods.
363 User Import Template This report is used to extract team data for the User Import. You will be able to import in new users or modify existing users.