General Configuration
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Module / Area | Description | Responsible |
Action RequestContains the setting for: |
Change No Occupancy When Assigned Occupant drop-down |
Select from the following:
Serraview Only Configuration |
Buildings and FloorsContains the settings for: |
Use Total Area for Area check box | You can set the leased area and derived scale for a floor. If you require a bulk update to be completed, then contact Serraview Support. Refer to Configure Leased Area. | Serraview Only Configuration |
BOSContains the settings for: |
Allow flexi desk as a destination check box | If this is checked then a Flexi desk can be added to the To Location. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Asset Move Filter SVQL field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
BOS Access Roles field | The security roles that can access BOS, such as the BOS Migration Manager, BOS Super User, and the BOS IT User. | Serraview Only Configuration |
BOS Grid Schemas field |
The configuration of BOS Move Plans is managed by Serraview Support team in line with the requirements of your business. Each business only has one BOS Grid and the way you group, sort, fill down, view, and edit these columns can be customized. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
BOS Migration Manager Types field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
BOS Person Attributes field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
BOS Quick Reports field | You can adjust the BOS Move Plan to generate reports that reflect your current view, refer to BOS Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. | System Administrator |
BOS Schemas field | The configuration of BOS Move Plans is managed by Serraview Support team in line with the requirements of your business. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Enable Future Floorplans check box | If this setting is checked then Future Floorplans can be added to the To Location. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Refresh Timeout field | System Administrator | |
Valid Parent Space Type IDs field |
You can add more space types to be displayed in the BOS Desk Allocation floorplan. Refer to Configure Additional Space Types to Display and Assign the Occupant's To Location via BOS Desk Allocation. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Chargeback StatisticsContains the settings for: |
Default Remaining Area Bill To Policy drop-down |
One of the key items to consider when implementing a Chargeback process is which org unit will pay for unallocated space, remaining area, and unallocated sublease area. Refer to Configure Default Chargeback Statistics. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Default Remaining Area Org Unit ID spin box | Refer to Configure Default Chargeback Statistics. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Default Unallocated Space Bill To Policy drop-down | Refer to Configure Default Chargeback Statistics. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Default Unallocated Space Org Unit ID field |
Refer to Configure Default Chargeback Statistics. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Data ImportsContains the settings for: |
Automated Import Notification Emails field |
You can specify a comma-separated list of email addresses for people to receive notifications that the automated imports have been run. Refer to Configure Automated Notifications. |
System Administrator |
Change Request Bulk Update Threshold field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Default maximum allowed percentage of changes field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
DWG Template Schema field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
System Administrator |
Floorplan Import - Default Units field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Import Sliding Window Period (in days) field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Number of days until candidates are archived field |
During a Person Import there is a setting to archive people who are not in this import. This will add any person in Serraview who is not present in the Person Import file to the Archive Candidates list. Also, you can configure the number of days before a candidate is archived, refer to Configure Number of Days before a Candidate is Archived. |
System Administrator |
Org Unit Import Schema field | Refer to Configure Data Imports. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Org Unit Import - Maximum allowed percentage of changes field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Override Import Maximum allowed percentage of changes field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Import - Archived Candidates Immediately check box |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Import - Can Unarchive check box |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Import - Clear OrgUnit when source values blank check box |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Import - Configuration field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Import - Create SSO Users for this Domain field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Import - Percentage Of Persons Archived Limit field |
Refer to Configure Data Imports. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Automated Import Notification - Failure Only check box |
If you only want to receive notification for the failures. If you leave this uncheck you will receive success and failure notifications. Refer to Configure Automated Notifications. |
System Administrator |
Enable Floorplan Import Result check box | When selected this field enables floorplan import results to be generated in Zendesk. | System Administrator |
Floorplan Import - Translation Expression field | Refer to Configure Data Imports. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Import Badge Data as Utilization Data check box | If this is checked then the Badge Data will be uploaded as Utilization Data. | System Administrator |
Import Mapping field | Used by Serraview to map fields found in the CSV file. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Badge Swipe Contact Email field |
If you want to be notified when the Badge Swipe files are processed, then your System Administrator can set the Badge Swipe contact. Refer to Badge Swipe Configuration. |
System Administrator |
Floorplan Contact Email field |
If you want to be notified when the Floorplan files are processed, then your System Administrator can set up the floorplan contact. Refer to Manual Floorplan Management. |
System Administrator |
Engage Configuration |
Refer to Engage Configuration. | ||
GeneralContains the settings for: |
Auto archive user idle time in days field |
For users who have not logged into Serraview for a long time. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Auto lock user idle time in days field |
For users who have not logged into Serraview for a long time. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Automated Alert Schema field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Client Logo field |
Your company's logo can be uploaded and this will display in Serraview. Refer to Branding and your Company's Logo. The company's logo will display on the Locator's home page, refer to ‘General’ Section. |
System Administrator |
Client Logo File Type field |
This setting will identify the Logo's file type. Refer to Branding and your Company's Logo. |
System Administrator |
Client Logon Logo field |
This setting lets you upload your company logo for the Logon screen. Refer to Branding and your Company's Logo. |
System Administrator |
Client Report Logo field |
This setting lets you upload your company logo for the use in reports. Refer to Branding and your Company's Logo. |
System Administrator |
Default Target Occupancy Ratio field |
The default Target Occupancy Ratio can be set. Refer to Configure the Default Target Occupancy Ratio and this can be overridden in Change Flexi Team's Target Ratio. |
System Administrator |
Email Requires Confirmation check box |
The UAT Environment will have the Email Requires Confirmation setting turned on. This will set all emails to Pending to stop the automatic emails being sent out which could cause confusion in the Business as they would expect only to receive email from the Production Environment. If your UAT Environment does not have this setting on, then you can update the setting. |
System Administrator |
Enable Hoods check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Help Panel Support Link field | Refer to Set up the Product Support link. | System Administrator |
Instance Title field |
Displays the company name on the Locator's home page, refer to ‘General’ Section. |
System Administrator |
Locale drop-down |
You can set your Serraview instance's default locale, refer to Set your locale. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Refresh Token Lifetime field |
This setting is used to set the expiration period of JWT refresh tokens in hours. Used for Engage Authentication, service and accounts. This is not related to SSO. |
System Administrator |
Session Timeout in Seconds field |
Refer to Configure the Session Timeout. |
System Administrator |
User Report Detail Retention field | Refer to Set the number days to retain the reports queue. | System Administrator |
Automated Alert Schema field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Automated Snapshot Schema field |
Snapshots give us an opportunity to report on data from a particular point-in-time and compare them with current data or data from other snapshots. The snapshots can be created automatically or manually. Refer to Snapshots and Manage Snapshots. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
SFTP File Receive Status field | System Administrator | |
Insights |
Refer to Insights Configuration Overview. |
Serraview Only Configuration | |
Keywords |
Many of Serraview's forms and dialogs will include existing keywords that are used as field labels or to populate a drop-down as values or in a hierarchy. Refer to Keywords. |
System Administrator | |
Mapping |
Quick Reports - Space Mapping field | Refer to Space's Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. | System Administrator |
Use Leased Area to determine Floorplan Scale check box | You can set the leased area and derived scale for a floor. If you require a bulk update to be completed, then contact Serraview Support. Refer to Configure Leased Area. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Meeting Data Reporting |
Enabled check box | Enables the copying of data from the Room Booking Service into the local database to allow reporting on Meeting/Attendee data. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Service Account field | The Service Account used to communicate with the Room Booking Service. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Service Account Private Key field | The Service Account's private key (provided when the Service Account was created). | Serraview Only Configuration |
Last Synced |
The date when the data was last synchronized. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Last Run Result | The date when the data was last run. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Move Projects |
Move Project Summary Quick Reports field |
The Scenario Planner module has a set of quick reports that can be run without having to go to the Serraview Reporting module. The quick reports can be set for the following:
Refer to Scenario Planner Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. |
System Administrator |
My Profile |
My Profile |
Within Serraview the My Profile form can include a micro-survey for your employees to complete. You can set up the custom fields to display on the My Profile form. Refer to My Profile. |
System Administrator |
New Service Request Form |
Description field | System Administrator | |
Download/Upload Message field | System Administrator | |
Field Label Mapping field | System Administrator | |
Lead Days field | System Administrator | |
Move Location Validation Rule field | System Administrator | |
Org Unit Field Help field | System Administrator | |
Service Request Type Mapping field |
We can set up the Service Request Type Mapping for your different Service Request types. Refer to Configure Service Request Type Mapping. |
System Administrator |
Profile AdministrationContains the settings for: |
Access Profile Reports field |
These quick reports will display under the Reports icon, on the Access Profiles screen. Refer to Workplace Administration Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. |
System Administrator |
Access Profile Sync Mapping field |
The Access Profile Sync Mapping will synchronize the information into the Team form's Administrators Tab. Refer to Configure Access Profile Sync Mapping. |
System Administrator |
Admin Management Reports field |
These quick reports will display under the Reports icon, on the Manage Admins screen with the Show By selected to Admins. Refer to Workplace Administration Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. |
System Administrator |
Roles For Invitation field |
When a Workplace Manager or Workplace Administrator (Workplace Validator) is sent an email invitation then a default security role will be assigned to their Serraview user account. |
System Administrator |
Team Administrator Reports field |
These quick reports will display under the Reports icon, on the Manage Admins screen with the Show By selected to Teams. Refer to Workplace Administration Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. |
System Administrator |
Recent Imports |
You can view the recent imported files and the default setting is for the last 30 days. If you are set up for the SFTP file transfer, then these import results will display in this list. Refer to View Recent Imports. |
System Administrator | |
Recent Messages |
You can view recent system messages that relate to batch imports, preprocessing, and failures. Refer to View Recent Messages. |
System Administrator | |
Reporting |
Automated Report Schema field | Refer to Automated Reports and Automated Report Imports. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Retention Statuses |
Retention statuses are mainly used by Workplace Administrators using Workplace, and they can be used within the VBS. You can set up the default retention status list, refer to Retention Statuses. |
System Administrator | |
Room Booking Locator ConfigurationContains the settings for: |
Allow Space Reservation check box | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Do Not Use Utilization data for Room Availability check box |
Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section and ‘Use Manual Occupancy Data’ option. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Room Availability Enabled check box | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Room Availability Interval (minutes) field | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Room Availability Reservation Duration (minutes) field | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | System Administrator |
Room Availability Timeline Range (minutes) field | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Room Availability Default Meeting Subject field | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | System Administrator |
Hide Private Appointment Details check box | Refer to ‘Room Booking Locator Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Room Booking Service |
Serraview's Room Booking Service is a service created to enable Locator and Engage, to display information about which meeting rooms are available, details about meeting room availability times, and to reserve meeting rooms. The service accomplishes this by an integration with calendar applications like Microsoft Exchange and Google Calendar™. The Implement Room Booking Service describes how to configure Microsoft Exchange or Google Calendar so that it can be used with Serraview's Room Booking Service OR go directly to the configuration: |
System Administrator / Client IT / Space IQ Onboarding Team |
Single Sign On (SSO) is the most popular method for Serraview's larger Clients. It allows a user to log in once to their network and thereby gain access to several network connected programs, eliminating the need to sign into each system individually. Serraview supports single sign-on(SSO) logins through SAML 2.0 and a SAML 2.0 identity provider can take many forms, such as Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) server or Okta. Refer to the following: |
System Administrator / Client IT / Space IQ Onboarding Team |
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a secure way to automate data feeds into Serraview. Talk to your IT Team to set this up. This is the simplest and most reliable way to transfer data on a regular basis is to set up a SFTP connection to transfer files directly to or from Serraview. Refer to:
Serraview Only Configuration | |
Sensor Configuration |
Refer to ‘Sensor Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Serraview Live ConfigurationContains the setting for: |
Exclude WiFi Space Types field |
Refer to ‘Serraview Live Configuration’ Section and When I searched for a person, Locator displays them with the whole floor highlighted. What happened? | System Administrator |
Minimum Active Minutes field |
Refer to ‘Serraview Live Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Num Raw Rows To Process At Once field | Refer to ‘Serraview Live Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Other Seating Predicate field | Refer to ‘Serraview Live Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Serraview Granularity Threshold In Sec field | Refer to ‘Serraview Live Configuration’ Section. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Serraview Locator ConfigurationContains the settings for: |
Desk Page Enabled check box | Refer to 'Find a Desk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Desk Page Sequence field | Refer to 'Find a Desk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Allow Desk Reservation field | Refer to 'Find a Desk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Desk Page Container Predicate field | Refer to 'Find a Desk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Desk Page Container Search Predicate field |
Refer to 'Find a Desk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Desk Reservation Duration Minutes field | Refer to 'Find a Desk' Configuration Options. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Space Page Enabled check box | Refer to 'Find a Space' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Space Page Sequence field | Refer to 'Find a Space' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Space Page Container Predicate field |
Refer to 'Find a Space' Configuration Options and Manage which space types display in Locator. |
Serraview Only Configuration |
Space Page Container Search Predicate field | Refer to 'Find a Space' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Space Page Space Type Predicate field | Refer to 'Find a Space' Configuration Options. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Space Page Attribute Predicate field | Refer to 'Find a Space' Configuration Options. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Page Enabled check box | Refer to 'Find a Person' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Person Page Sequence field | Refer to 'Find a Person' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Use Manual Occupancy Data check box | Refer to ‘Use Manual Occupancy Data’ option. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Person Page Container Predicate field | Refer to 'Find a Person' Configuration Options. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Heatmap Page Enabled check box | Refer to "Heatmap' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Heatmap Page Sequence field | Refer to "Heatmap' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Heatamap Max Opacity field | Refer to "Heatmap' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Kiosk return home timeout (seconds) field |
Refer to Kiosk Configuration in Serraview and "Kiosk' Configuration Options. |
System Administrator |
Kiosk Home Timeout - Display Message AT (seconds) field | Refer to Kiosk Configuration in Serraview and "Kiosk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Kiosk Home Timeout - Display Dialog At (seconds) field | Refer to Kiosk Configuration in Serraview and "Kiosk' Configuration Options. | System Administrator |
Wifi Circle Radius Override field | This is appended in the Heatmap URL and overrides the URL. The number is in pixels. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Minimum Wifi Circle Radius field | This is appended in the Heatmap URL and overrides the URL. The number is in pixels and the default is 50 pixels. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Maximum Wifi Cricle Radius field | This is appended in the Heatmap URL and overrides the URL. The number is in pixels and the default is 350 pixels. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Serraview SAML |
Do not use this configuration area. SAML is set up in Configuration > SAML, refer to Single Sign On (SSO). | ||
Service RequestsContains the settings for the General tab: |
Accruent 360Facility Allow Assignee Selection check box | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Accruent 360Facility Allow Priority Selection check box | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Accruent 360Facility Allow Scheduled For Date Selection check box | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Accruent 360Facility Domain field | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Accruent 360Facility Integration Application ID field | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Accruent 360Facility Login User Name field | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Accruent 360Facility Password field | Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Associated People field | System Administrator | |
Business Days before resolution is critical field | System Administrator | |
Business Days before resolution is urgent field | System Administrator | |
Can Use Building As Location check box | System Administrator | |
Default Charge To Cost Centre field | System Administrator | |
Default Removalist Contact field | System Administrator | |
Enable Traffic Lights for SR check box | System Administrator | |
Include Attachments check box | System Administrator | |
IT Coordinator field | System Administrator | |
Move Location Validation Rule drop-down | System Administrator | |
NotifyOnApproval drop-down | System Administrator | |
Reapproval Enabled check box | System Administrator | |
Reapproval Revert Costs Enabled check box | System Administrator | |
Service Request Grid Reports field | System Administrator | |
Show Service Providers check box | System Administrator | |
Warn On 0 Budget check box | System Administrator | |
Default Costs tab |
Refer to Configure Service Request Default Costs. |
System Administrator |
Action Templates tab | System Administrator | |
Default People tab |
Refer to Configure Service Request Default People and Authorizers. |
System Administrator |
Accruent Status Mapping tab | Refer to Refer to Serraview Configuration for 360Facility. | System Administrator |
Custom Field tab | Refer to Configure the Custom Fields for a Service Request Type. | System Administrator |
Storage Configuration SetContains the setting for: |
Storage, Lockers, and Parking Reports field |
Refer to Configure Quick Reports. | System Administrator |
Tagging |
Tagging is a labeling system for entities in Serraview and can be used in the following modules:
Refer to Tagging. | System Administrator |
User Sign InContains the settings for: |
Allow IPAddress Default Logon check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Allow User Creation check box | Refer to Configure Request Account link. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Default New User Role ID field | Refer to Configure Default User Role and the Logon Identifier. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Enable "Stay signed in" check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Enable Remember Logon check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Logon Identifier drop-down | Refer to Configure Default User Role and the Logon Identifier. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Logon Identifier Label field | Refer to Configure Default User Role and the Logon Identifier. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Max Failed Password Attempts field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Minimum Password Length field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Password Expiry In Days field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Password History Length field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Person Fields Restricted from Password field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Reset Password Confirmation Keys field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Reset Password Token Expiry in Minutes field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
User Sign Up Confirmation Key(s) field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
UtilizationContains the settings for: |
Badge Swipe Default End Time field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Building Default Utilization Provider drop-down | Refer to Configure Utilization for VBS - Information Panel. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Default Peak Utilization Period (Months) field | Refer to Configure Utilization for VBS - Information Panel. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Default Utilization Trend Period (Months) field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Enable Badge Swipe Data field | Refer to Configure Utilization for VBS - Information Panel. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Enable Utilization data processing on wireup changes check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Portfolio Dashboard Utilization Period field | Refer to Configure Utilization for Portfolio Dashboards. | System Administrator |
Utilization Device Timeout Period (minutes) field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Utilization processing override drop-down | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Utilization Threshold field | Refer to Configure Utilization for Portfolio Dashboards. | System Administrator |
VBSContains the settings for: |
Allow Blocking of Flexible Teams in Hoods check box | Refer to Configure blocking of Flexi Teams in Neighborhoods. | System Administrator |
Always Use Org Unit Color check box | Refer to Configure Org Unit Color. | System Administrator |
Auto Allocate drop-down | Refer to Configure Auto Allocate in the VBS. | System Administrator |
Auto Allocate - Org Unit Roll Up Level field | Refer to Configure Auto Allocate in the VBS. | System Administrator |
Auto De-allocate Unoccupied Desks check box | System Administrator | |
Label Format drop-down | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Location Selector Search on Address Enabled check box | This allows the user to search for a building by the street address. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Use Capacity and Opportunity check box | Refer to View Building and Floor Statistics. | System Administrator |
VBS Command Prompt drop-down | When a change is made in the VBS, the user will be prompted to a make a comment (or a reason) for the change. | System Administrator |
VBS Move Project Quick Reports field |
Refer to Scenario Planner Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. |
System Administrator |
VBS Quick Reports field | Refer to Block and Stack (VBS) Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. | System Administrator |
VBS Show Space Types check box | System Administrator | |
VBS Show Validation History check box | System Administrator | |
WayfindingContains the settings for: |
Allow Person Searching check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Allow Person Updating check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
ContainerTypeIDs To Show field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Displayed Person Attribute Names field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Maximum People Shown field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Show Callouts for Core check box | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Wayfinder SSO ReauthenticationText field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
WayfinderFeedbackURL field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Wayfinding Reports field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
WireupContains the settings for: |
Asset Occupancy Period field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Auto Save Interval In Seconds field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Duplicate Threshold Minutes field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
SwitchPortServer - HostName field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
SwitchPortServer - Passphrase field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
SwitchPortServer Port field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
SwitchPortServer - RetryTimeout in Seconds field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
SwitchPortServer - Use Https field | Serraview Only Configuration | |
Wireup Container Filter Svql field | This filters the containers that are available to be wired up. For example, the containers that will show on the wireup floorplan. | Serraview Only Configuration |
WorkplaceContains the settings for: |
Administrators Displayed field | Refer to Configure Workplace to display certain Administrators. | Serraview Only Configuration |
Enable Move / Keep Functionality check box | Refer to Set the enable Move and Keep functionality. | System Administrator |
Help Link field |
Set the Help Link field to: |
Serraview Only Configuration |
My Teams Filter On check box | System Administrator | |
Prevent validation if team requires action check box |
If a team has outstanding actions the Validate button will be disabled and Workplace will display items that require action. |
System Administrator |
Quick Reports field | Refer to Workplace Quick Reports and Configure Quick Reports. | System Administrator |
Requires Validation Message check box | System Administrator | |
Team Validation - Days Until Expired field | Refer to Set the Team Validation Days until Expired Warning. | System Administrator |
Team Validation - Days Until Warning field | Refer to Set the Team Validation Days until Expired Warning. | System Administrator |