Users who sign into Serraview using SSO do not sign in with a Serraview password. If you require assistance with the sign in or to reset your password, you will need to contact your IT team.
If you are using the manual sign in method, the user can reset their password from the Sign In screen.
Step 1. Reset password
Navigate to https://[instance_name] Note: Replace the [instance_name] part of the URL with your company's name or abbreviation provided by Serraview.
The Serraview Sign In screen displays.
2. Click the Reset Password link.
3. In the email field, enter you email address.
4. Click the Send Reset Link button. The Check Your Email screen displays.
5. Click the X icon to return to the Sign In screen.
Step 2. Open Reset Your Password email
Open the Reset Your Password email.
Click the password reset link. The create password screen displays.
3. In the New Password field and Confirm your password field, enter in a password.
4. Click the Submit button. The Landing page displays.