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Eptura Knowledge Center

Generate the BOS Arriving Floor Report

Before you publish complete the prerequisites.

Generate the BOS Arriving Floor Report

Run the following report prior to the implementation of a phase. From the BOS Move Data screen, complete the following.

  1. Click the Reports clipboard_e76b22d4a5b00d6115f6dc1ca7320ac13.png icon.
  2. Select the BOS Arriving Floorplan ReportThe report will be run in the reports queue and the Reports Queue icon will change in the global header.


3.  Click the Reports Queue icon. 

4.  Click the report to download. Your report will download in the bottom left corner of the browse.

For example:


This report can assist you in finding potential issues prior to implementing a phase and it contains a floorplan view of the destination for each person being moved within a BOS Move Plan. 

The security is different for a Public or Private BOS Move Plan. If you have a Private BOS Move Plan then make sure the correct BOS security is set as only the Owner or Co-owner can publish.