Reset password in UAT Environment
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Users who sign into Serraview using SSO and require assistance with the sign in, will need to contact their IT team.
A System Administrator can send out the Password Reset email to users that have requested a password reset. The process for resetting passwords in UAT Environment is different from the PROD Environment as the email is not sent out automatically.
Step 1. Trigger the Reset Password email
When a user has forgotten their password, the System Administrator can send out a Password Reset email.
- Navigate to Resources > User Security.
- In the Search field, enter the name of the person.
- Click the user account check box.
- Click the Send Logo Info button.
In the UAT Environment, the email will not automatically be sent.
Step 2. Send the reset password email
When you are in the UAT environment, the System Administrator will need to push out the email as the email sending will be turned off.
Step 2.1 Turn ON the Emails
- Navigate to Configuration > General.
- Uncheck the Email Requires Confirmation check box to allow the emails to sent out.
- Click the Update button.
Step 2.2 Forward the Email
- Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > Email.
- Click the Email Outbox icon. The Email Outbox displays.
- Find and check the email's selection check box to the left of the row. Note: You can select the top check box to select all the rows OR to select multiple rows, use Ctrl key + click to select multiple rows. You can also select the first row, hold the Shift key and then select the last row which will select all rows between those two points.
- Click the Resend Email icon. The Send Email dialog displays.
5. In the Email address field, enter the user's email address.
6. Click the Send Email button. The email is sent and the status is changed to Success.
7. The user will receive a Serraview Access email and this will contain a link to reset their password.
Step 2.3 Turn OFF the Emails
- Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > General > General.
- Check the Email Requires Confirmation check box to allow the emails to sent out.
- Click the Update button.
You must turn off the emails in the UAT Environment as this will send emails from the modules. This can potentially cause confusion with the Business users who are using the Production instance.