The Organizational Unit Hierarchy (also known as Org Unit Hierarchy) is the financial structure of your business and enables the allocation of teams to spaces for the purpose of property management and chargeback.
The process of reviewing, approving and signing-off the Org Unit Hierarchy data is part of the Serraview implementation, refer to Org Unit Hierarchy Initial Upload. Ongoing, the Client is responsible to keep this Org Unit Hierarchy maintained.
It is important that the Org Unit Hierarchy is kept up-to-date alongside any restructuring within your business since these activities impact the accuracy of your reporting.
Org Unit Hierarchy and People data
The Org Unit Hierarchy also correlates with the People Data loaded into Serraview, as each person has an assigned cost center. Occupancy data in VBS displays for each workpoint where a person is assigned.
Initial Upload
The process of setting up the Org Unit Hierarchy data is part of the Serraview implementation.
Following the successful import of the Org Unit Structure, team allocations can be loaded and then viewed in the Visual Block and Stack (VBS) module. The VBS provides tools to allow you to view and report against those allocations at different levels of your organization structure, refer to Group By in the VBS Legend.
Ongoing, the Client is responsible to keep the Org Unit Hierarchy data maintained.