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Set up Auto-Cancellation of Desk Reservations

Level: System Administrator

When the auto cancel is set this will cancel the desk booking if an employee does not check-in the desk by the required check-in time. Then their desk booking will be cancelled and freed up for someone else to use. The required check-in time will depend on what time you have set up for your desk reservations. Below details a few examples to explain this ....


All Day Desk Reservation Example - Check-in Start Time 00:00 AM Midnight

In this example, the Engage users will make a desk reservation where:

  • All day desk reservation start time = 00:00 AM Midnight
  • Desk Check-in Open Window = 600 minutes (10 hours)
  • Check-in Window Duration =  540 minutes (9 hours)

The auto cancellation will occurs between 11:00 PM to 11:10 PM.


All Day Desk Reservation Example - Check-in Start Time 09:00 AM 

In this example, the Engage users will make a desk reservation where:

  • All day desk reservation start time = 9:00 AM
  • Check-in Window Duration =  480 minutes (8 hours)
  • Desk Check-in Open Window = 120 minutes (2 hours)

The auto cancellation occurs between 9:00 PM to 9:10 PM.


Time Block Reservation Example

In this example, the Engage users will make a desk reservations where:

  • Desk Check-in Open Window = 120 minutes (2 hours)
  • Check-in Window Duration = 180 minutes (3 hours)

The auto cancellation will occurs between 11:00 AM to 11:10 AM.


If you want to adjust the desk check-in times then see Set up Desk Reservations & Check-in Times.

This can be set globally for all your buildings or set for each building, see:
  • Global Settings
  • Building Settings

Global Settings

Set up Auto Cancellation of Desk Reservations in Engage Configuration

Complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > General > Engage Configuration.
  2. Click the Bookings Setup tab.
  3. Check the Auto-Cancellation of desk reservations check box.
  4. Click the Update button.


Building Settings

Set up Auto Cancellation of Desk Reservations for a Building

Complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Resources > Buildings & Floors.
  2. Click on the building. The building details displays.
  3. Click the Edit button. The Update Building dialog displays.
  4. Check the Auto Cancellation of Desk Reservations check box.
  5. Click the Update Building button.
