You can set up people from the Corporate Real Estate team and the Business who need to be informed as FYI contacts. If need, you can send FYI emails to the contacts.
If you have the default people, for the FYI contacts, set up then they will display in this area.
If needed, you can add contacts to the service request.
For the contact for want to add a person's name, click the Add icon.
2. In the search people field, enter the name of the contact.
3. The field will search as you type, select the name of the contact from the list.
The contact person is added and the Assignment Notification email is sent out to them.
If needed you can either:
remove the FYI contact, click the Edit icon next to the contact's name and then click the X icon.
Send an FYI Email
You can send out the FYI Email to the contact(s).
Click the Send Emailsicon. The Send Emails dialog displays.
2. In the Contact field, select the contact. The contact type (such as Created By, Requestor, Assignee) will display if they have a person's name assigned.
3. Click the Send Emails button.
The Service Request FYI email is sent to the FYI contact and this is recorded in the Emails section of the Service Request.