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Eptura Knowledge Center

SVLive2 Installation Validation Checks

After the installation is finished, complete the validation checks listed in this section.

Connectivity Validation

After the SVLive Cloud is deployed by the Serraview Implementation team, and the previous steps of SVLive Presence Service Installation, and Firewall Validation are completed, then we can continue to Connectivity Validation. 

You will need to coordinate with Serraview Implementation team as a Test User will need to log in to a device running SVLive Presence Service. Then Serraview Implementation team will check the SVLive Cloud for activity.

Data Validation

After the completion of the previous steps, now the end-to-end tests can commence. These tests will validate that the Utilization data flows through SVLive and into the downstream components. The Serraview Implementation Project Manager will validate that Serraview can see the SVLive data in the database.

For more details, see SVLive2 Validation.