All Client Data is stored in the AWS S3 object store, and automatically replicated across all Availability Zones within the AWS Region. According to AWS, this provides 99.999999999% of durability.
Serraview creates daily backups of all data stored within the system. Backups are stored securely on encrypted, high availability AWS S3 storage within the Hosting Region.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Serraview leverages AWS S3 replication across multiple Availability Zones within an AWS Region. This means that services will automatically fail-over to another Availability Zone if there is an outage at the primary Availability Zone.
Serraview will maintain a Disaster Recovery Site for use if the Production Site is rendered unavailable. In such a case, Serraview may redirect the Client to the Disaster Recovery Site for use of the Services within Serraview's Recovery Time Objective of 8 hours.
The Disaster Recovery Site will have a recent copy of the Production Data. This copy of the Production Data may be a number of hours old, in line with the Serraview's Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of 24 hours. As the Production Data on the Disaster Recovery site
may not be totally current, Serraview may keep the Disaster Recovery Site in read only mode for up to twelve (12) hours after a disaster while it restores access to the Production Site and current Production Data.
Serraview will maintain a business continuity plan and test it at least once a year.