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Eptura Knowledge Center

Utilization Data, Statistics, and Reporting

Reporting and Dashboard Usage

Serraview's reporting capability is a key feature that attracts organizations to our space management system. Serraview Reporting includes a suite of default reports, customizations and a dynamic dashboard that shows the entire portfolio in one space. Serraview provides real value to all Corporate Real Estate teams by replacing the need to create and generate spreadsheets and charts to present their knowledge and vision to the wider business. 

Accommodation and General Reporting Usage

Serraview's reporting capability is a key feature that attracts organizations to our space management system. Serraview Reporting includes a suite of default reports, customizations and a dynamic dashboard that shows the entire portfolio in one space. Serraview provides real value to all Corporate Real Estate teams by replacing the need to create and generate spreadsheets and charts to present their knowledge and vision to the wider business.

Standard Reports

This lists all of the standard Serraview reports. Reporting offers a list of standard reports and includes any customized reports that your business may have requested. Access to run reports is controlled by secured actions, so users can be restricted to running reports relevant to their business function.

Historical Data

Snapshots allow users to create a report that draws on specific historical data. When you create a snapshot a copy of certain data at the point of time is taken.

For more information about what is captured and not captured, refer to Snapshots, how to create the snapshots automatically or manually, refer to Manage Snapshots.

Utilization Reports Usage

Serraview utilization reporting enables your Corporate Real Estate team to assess the way their business uses space, support strategic decisions for leasing, adjust team allocations and team ratios and review fit-out requirements.

The methods of collecting utilization data in Serraview are: 

  • use the Badge Swipe to collect badge swipe data as people enter and leave the building.
  • use SVLive technology (Wired data or Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data to collect information as people use a workpoint or space.

The utilization reports you will be able to see the breadth of information available to you and they are in the Legacy Dashboard for more details, refer to:

If you have questions about how utilization reporting can benefit your business, or want to request customized reports, then contact your Customer Success Manager.

Reporting Services

Serraview provides the following Reporting Services:

VBS Statistics

The Visual Block and Stack contains your portfolio statistics. It is important to understand how your data integrity can effect the statistics. Find out more, Statistics in the Block and Stack.

Area Calculations


We know there are a lot of terms used in Corporate Real Estate to express various area calculations. Find out more, Area Calculations.

Serraview Glossary

Find out more about the terms used in the Serraview Product and Industry terms in the Serraview Glossary.