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Eptura Knowledge Center

Engage Configuration Matrix

Engage is undergoing continuous releases and you will see configuration settings appear in Serraview that may not yet be implemented. To keep you up-to-date with the implemented settings this article lists out Engage settings and links to the relevant articles. 

Building Configuration

Below is the list of Reservations settings:


Field Description Level Engage Web Engage Mobile

Limit total reservations field

Allowed reservations per 15 minutes field

A System Administrator can set the daily limits for their buildings.

See Set Daily Limits for a Building.

Building (tick) (tick)

Book Safe drop-down

Book Safe Distance field

A clever way to ensure your employees are booked in a safe way to ensure social distancing. When your employee reserves a desk, the other desks within a given range will be disabled for bookings.

See Set up Book Safe and Distance.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)
All Day Desk Reservations drop-down

Use this setting to enforce the all day reservation.

See Set up the Desk Reservation & Check-in Times.

Global or Building Only all day (tick)

Enable Desk Check In drop-down

Desk Check In Open Window field

Allow Day Start Time (HH:mm) field

If your business wants employees to make desk reservations as:

  • All-day Desk Reservations 
  • Time Block Reservations which allows your employees to choose the desk booking such as All day or 1 hour, 2 hours, 3hours, or 4 hours.

If you want your employees to check-in to their desks then in the Engage Configuration, your System Administrator can update the desk check-in window settings.

See Set up Desk Reservations and Check-in Times

Global or Building (tick) (tick)
Auto Cancellation of Desk Reservations check box

When set this will cancel the desk booking if an employee does not check into the desk by the required time. Their desk booking is cancelled and freed up for someone else to use. 

See Set up Auto-Cancellation of Desk Reservations.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)
Enforce Booking Allowed drop-down

When you want to control who is booking a desk then your System Administrator can configure Engage to enforce bookings for your employees. For example, this could be used when an employee is waiting for clearance on a security check before they are allowed to make bookings.

See Enforce which Employees can Make Bookings

Global or Building (tick) (tick)
Booking Window

You can set Engage to prevent reservations outside of business-defined booking window. For example at midnight or on a weekend.

See Set up the Booking Window.

Global or Building



Health Declaration

Field Description Level Engage Web Engage Mobile
Enable Health Declaration drop-down

Your System Administrator will be able to set up a Health Acknowledge message as part of your desk check-in process. When enabled your employees will not be able to check-in to the desk unless they agree with the custom acknowledge message first.

See Set up a Health Declaration Message.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Engage Configuration

Below is the list of the Engage settings.

General Tab

Field Description Level Engage Web Engage Mobile
Support Email field

The support email address used within your organization.

Global (error) (tick)
Use Zoom Tiles field

Use default Architectural Floorplans or Stylized Floorplans.

See Set up to use the Architectural Floorplans or Stylized Floorplans.

Global (tick) (tick)
Support Phone Number field

The support phone number used within your organization.

Global (error) (tick)
Support URL field

A URL that links to the client’s support intranet page.

Global (error) (tick)
Brand Color field

Change the color to your company's brand color.

See Set up your Corporate Branding.

Global (tick) (tick)
User must login on launch check box

Check the User must login on launch check box to enforce an employee to regularly log in to Engage using a Passcode.

See Set up Authentication so Employees Regularly Login.

Global N/A (tick)
Engage Client Logo upload

Upload your company's logo.

See Set up your Corporate Branding.

Global (tick) (tick)
Engage Client Cover Image upload

Upload a cover image.

See Set up your Corporate Branding.

Global (tick) (tick)
SSO Enabled check box

Before you check the SSO Enabled check box make sure your IT team has set up the SSO for your Serraview instance.

See Set up SSO for Engage.

Global (tick) (tick)
Use Floor Plan Available Color check box

Check the Use Floor Plan Available Color check box to turn on the color for available desks.

See Set up visibility of reserved desks and available desks on the floorplan.

Global (tick) (tick)
Floor Plan Available Color field

You may want to change the color of the available desks on the floorplan.

See Set up visibility of reserved desks and available desks on the floorplan.

Global (tick) (tick)
Welcome Title field

Set up the welcome tile.

See Set up your Corporate Branding.

Global (tick) (tick)
Welcome Message field

Set up the brief welcome message.

See Set up your Corporate Branding.

Global (tick) (tick)
Person Of Interest - Fire Warden Attributes field

Set up the Person of Interest filters for the Fire Warden.

See Set up the Person of Interest Filters.

Global (tick) (tick)
Person Of Interest - First Aid Officer Attributes field

Set up the Person of Interest filters for the First Aid Officer.

See Set up the Person of Interest Filters.

Global (tick) (tick)
Hide calendar reservation controls

When you want to display room availability without reservation controls, your System Administrator can hide the controls. This is useful when you want calendar reservations shown in the search results or on the floorplan and when the employee wants to make the reservation, this is done in their calendar.

See Hide Reservation Controls.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)
Highlighted reserved desks check box

Check the Highlighted reserved desks check box to always highlight the reserved desks on the floor plan.

See Set up visibility of reserved desks and available desks on the floorplan.

Global (tick) (tick)
Disable web general access check box

See Disable an Engage Application.

Global (tick) (tick)
Disable app general access check box Global (tick) (tick)
Hide contact information check box

If your business needs to hide contact information from a Person card, then your System Administrator can set this up.

See Disable a Person's Contact Information.

Global (tick) (tick)
Send confirmation emails check box

If your business wants to send out Confirmation Emails when a person books a desk.

See Set up Engage to send out Confirmation Emails.

Global (tick) (tick)
Send cancellation emails check box If your business wants to send out Cancellation Emails when a person books a desk. Global (tick) (tick)
Allow users to opt-out check box

If you have an employee that requires not be in found in Engage, you can opt-out the employee from Engage's search.

See Enable Employees to Opt-out from Engage's Search.

Global (tick) (tick)

Show Acknowledgment drop-down

Acknowledgment Message field

Acknowledgment URL field

If you need to displays a message such as health notices, privacy statements or any other important information you want to convey to the employee in the Engage app, you can set this up to display either daily or when the message is changed. 

See Set up Acknowledgement Message.

Global (tick) (tick)
Allow upload of profile pictures check box

Waiting for Engage development.


Concierge Menu tab

Area Description Level Engage Web Engage Mobile
Concierge Menu

Set up the concierge menu to connect your employees to information and services.

For more details, See Set up the Concierge Menu for 3 or more menu items.

Global (tick) (tick)
Area Description Level Engage Web Engage Mobile

Desk Booking Interval field

Set the interval blocks in minutes in which a user can reserve a desk.

For example, if the user selects the time as 8:37 am and wants to reserve a desk for 1 hour then the reservation end time will be 9:45 am.

Global (tick) (tick)

All day desk reservation check-in start time. (Time format should be 'HH:mm') field

Set check-in times for employees to check into their reserved desk.

See Set up the Desk Reservation & Check-in Times.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Concurrent Desk Booking Limit field

Enter the number of concurrent bookings.

For example, if it is 2 then you can make 2 overlapping bookings. In this situation, you can make a booking at 9:00 am to 10:00 am and a booking at 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.

See Limit Concurrent Bookings for Desks.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Concurrent Space Booking Limit field

Enter the number of concurrent bookings.

For example, if it is 2 then you can make 2 overlapping bookings. In this situation, you can make a booking at 9:00 am to 10:00 am and a booking at 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.

See Limit Concurrent Bookings for Space.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Enable desk check-in check box

Use this setting to enable desk check-in.

See Set up the Desk Reservation & Check-in Times.

Global (tick) (tick)

Auto-Cancellation of desk reservations check box

Use this setting to automatically cancel the desk booking if an employee does not check-in to the desk by the required time.

See Set up Auto-Cancellation of Desk Reservations.

Global (tick) (tick)

Check in window duration field

Configure the check-in times for employees to check into their reserved desk. 

See Set up the Desk Reservation & Check-in Times.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Desk check-in open window field

Configure the check-in times for employees to check into their reserved desk. 

See Set up the Desk Reservation & Check-in Times.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

All Day Desk Reservation check box

Use this setting to enforce the all day reservation.

See Set up the Desk Reservation & Check-in Times.

Global or Building Only all day (tick)

Enable bypass secured action for Booking Access None check box

When certain users have the “Reservations - Bypass booking rules” secured action, they can book any space as they will bypass the booking rules on the space. If you want a space to not be booked (even when the user has the bypass secured action), then this can be set up.

See Deny Employee to Reserve a Space with the Reservation - Bypass booking rule.

Global (tick) (tick)

Meeting Room Booking Interval field

Set the interval blocks in minutes in which a user can reserve a space.

For example, if the time is 3.08 pm and the user selects that they want to reserve the desk for 30 minutes, the reservation end time will be 3.45 pm.

Global (tick) (tick)

Future booking limited (in weeks) field

Enter the number of weeks. The minimum duration is 1 week and a maximum of 52 weeks.

This setting limits how far into the future an employee can make a desk reservation.  

See Limit Future Desk Bookings.

Global (tick) (tick)

Kiosk - Restrict Bookings to Current Day check box

You can restrict the Kiosk to only allow employees to make bookings only for the current day. Global - -

Book Safe check box

A clever way to ensure your employees are booked in a safe way to ensure social distancing. When your employee reserves a desk, the other desks within a given range will be disabled for bookings.

See Set up Book Safe and Distance.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Book Safe Distance field

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Enable Health Declaration check box

Health Declaration field

This will be part of the check-in process where the employee will see the Health Declaration screen. The employee cannot check-in to the desk unless they agree with the custom message.

See Set up a Health Declaration Message

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Enforce Bookings Allowed check box

Booking Denied Message field

When you want to control who is booking a desk then your System Administrator can configure Engage to enforce bookings for your employees.

See Enforce which Employees can Make Bookings.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)

Booking Window

You can set Engage to prevent reservations outside of business-defined booking window. For example, at midnight or on a weekend.

See Set up the Booking Window.

Global or Building (tick) (tick)
Enable Employee Grade

Your Administrator can enable the Employee Grade setting in the Engage Configuration and then set up the space type and spaces.

See Employee Grade Booking Rule and Learn more in Allow Employees with an Employee Grade to Reserve Desk

Global (tick) (tick)