When your business has exited a building or floor and the Corporate Real Estate team no longer wants to include the building, floor, or zone in the portfolio, your thoughts can be I want clean up my portfolio with a deletion.
We recommend that you carefully consider the implications of this action and advise you to speak to your Customer Success Manager prior to a deletion.
Understand the impacts
You will need to consider the possible impacts to the following:
Loss of historical data, including floorplans, cost, leasable area, etc.
Loss of any other building statistics.
Have all the occupants been moved to other spaces? Unseating all occupants in the building, floor, or zone is possible when deleting a building, floor, or zone.
Any custom report that pulls building, floor, or zone information - you might encounter errors and be unable to run the report if it references a deleted space specifically.
What I can do instead of a delete?
You can hide the building and/or floor so that only the System Administrators with access to the Buildings & Floors module can see the hidden building and/or floor.
To hide the buildings and floors, refer to Show or hide a Building or Floor in VBS, remember to include a comment about why the building or floor was hidden.
Okay, I understand but I really want to delete
For the building, floor, or zone, click the Delete icon. A warning message displays "Are you sure you want to delete?"