Prepare for initial wireup
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- Managed Location Service (MLS) installed.
For the Wireup module to work, MLS must have been installed and configured on your infrastructure. In order to validate the MLS install and configure Wireup, you will need:
- MLS Server DNS name or IP Address
- MLS Port
- MLS protocol (http or https)
- MLS switch scan passphrase
- Import switch details
A switch import needs to be completed for an area to be audited. Send the switch import file to Serraview support team via the Serraview's File Upload tool.
- Install MAC Address Watcher, refer to Automated or Manual MAC Address Retrieval
The MAC Address Watcher will automatically update wire-up with the MAC Address currently used by the audit machine to connect to the network. This is necessary for wire-up when using docking stations, as each docking station has a unique MAC Address which will be used by the audit machine to connect to the switch.
When wiring up docking stations the MAC Address Watcher will make the task faster and you will save a lot of time.
Validate the MLS install
This activity must be performed by the project team prior to beginning the initial wire-up process.
Check that MLS is running
To validate that the http server is running correctly:
- Point your browser at the following URL:
[Protocol] is https if a secure connection is in use, otherwise http.
- [MLSServer] is the MLS servers DNS entry or IP Address (IP Address may return warnings if https is in use).
- [Port] is the port that MLS is running on.
If successful, the MLS Login page displays.
If you cannot display the MLS Login page, then contact Serraview.
Check that MLS is communicating to the switches
You can test this by:
- Plugging in at a desk.
- Completing the http query below:
[Protocol] is https if a secure connection is in use, otherwise http.
[MLSServer] is the MLS servers DNS entry or IP Address (IP Address may return warnings if https is in use).
[Port] is the port that MLS is running on.
[Passphrase] is the phrase used to authenticate switch scan requests on the MLS server.
- [Switch] is the switch DNS name or IP Address.
- [MACAddress] is the MAC address of a machine currently connected to the switch.
3. In the http query in the browser.
Below is an example for a server running on:
- Protocol = http
- MLSServer =
- Port = 8082
with a passphrase of passphrase12345, requesting a connection to switch to display what switch port 00-24-1D-1C-67-A9 is connected to:,cid=1,cmd=GetSwitchPort(\[\], \[00-24-1D-1C-67-A9\])
The image below is an example of the server returning the switch port for a switch and MAC address.
If you cannot get the server running and returning the switch port for a switch and MAC address, then contact Serraview Support team.