Disable or delete an Email Template Last updated Save as PDF Level: System Administrator Before you delete an email template, consider this ... When you delete, an email template is gone. What can I do instead of a delete? We recommend that you disable the email template. Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > Email. The Email Templates screen displays. Either search or filter for the email template. Click the email template. The Edit email template panel displays. Click the Disable button. The email template is disabled. You can enable an Email Template. Click the email template. The Edit email template panel displays. Click the Enable button. Okay, I understand but really want to delete When you are 100% sure that you want to delete, then complete the following: Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > Email. The Email Templates screen displays. Either search or filter for the email template. Click the email template. The Edit email template panel displays. Click the Delete button. The email template is deleted.
Before you delete an email template, consider this ... When you delete, an email template is gone. What can I do instead of a delete? We recommend that you disable the email template. Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > Email. The Email Templates screen displays. Either search or filter for the email template. Click the email template. The Edit email template panel displays. Click the Disable button. The email template is disabled. You can enable an Email Template. Click the email template. The Edit email template panel displays. Click the Enable button. Okay, I understand but really want to delete When you are 100% sure that you want to delete, then complete the following: Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > Email. The Email Templates screen displays. Either search or filter for the email template. Click the email template. The Edit email template panel displays. Click the Delete button. The email template is deleted.