Your employees can search for First Responders in Engage so even if you don't set up the First Responders as a Concierge Menu item, you can still set up the Person of Interest filters for Engage so your employee can search for First Aid Officer, Fire Warden, etc.
Also, the Person of Interest filters can be configure to include others tags. For example your business may have Chief Fire Warden, Deputy Fire Warden, and Fire Warden or you may have First Aid Officer and a Nurse.
Remember to consolidate your tags for consistency across your organization as this will reduce duplicate or similar tags.
Step 1. Set the tag(s) on the Person
You can apply a tag to a person to indicate they have a special role such as Fire Warden, First Aid Officer, or Floor Warden.
Navigate toResources > People Directory.
Search for theperson.
Select theperson. The edit person form displays.
In the Roles field, either enter a tag or select a tag that displays as you type. You can apply more than one tag to a person.
Click theUpdate Person button. The person details is saved.