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Eptura Knowledge Center

Set up Authentication so Employees Regularly Login

Level: System Administrator / Serraview Implementation Team

This enforces a simplified authentication where an employee is prompted to regularly log in to Engage using a passcode or use bio-metrics such as Face recognition, Irises, or Fingerprints.

From Serraview, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > System Config > General > Engage Configuration.
  2. Check the User must login on launch check box. 
  3. Click the Update button.


Bio-metrics Examples

When you have your phone set up to use the bio-metrics, Engage will use this to log in instead of the passcode.

Finger Print Example

image2020-11-18_14-24-45.png image2020-11-18_14-24-54.png

Passcode Example

From Engage, when the employee first log in they will be prompted with the following.

  1. Login with SSO.
  2. Prompted to enter a 6-digit pin and confirm the pin. This will set the passcode.

Afterwards the employee will be prompted to enter the pin after 2 hours of activity.

Set the pin code


Log in to Engage

When you log in to Engage you will be prompted for the passcode.
