344 VBS Exceptions Report
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This report highlights VBS anomalies for review and to be actioned by the Corporate Real Estate team such as:
- Multiple Location Employees - People have multiple assigned locations in Serraview.
- Unassigned Employee - People have no assigned location in the system.
- Flexi Occupants of Fixed Teams - Occupants have been onboarded as flexible occupants to fixed teams.
- Block & Stack Exceptions - Teams that are considered to be in an invalid state due to team allocation (stack) not matching the number of workpoints mapped (blocked).
- Invalid Team Size (Stack) - Teams that are considered to be in an invalid state with a team allocation (stack) value of '0'.
- Unknown & Orphaned Teams - Teams that are 'Unknown' or 'Orphaned Cost Centre', they do not link back to a valid parent Org Unit. This is a result of uploading a new Org Structure Tree where no forwarding Cost Centre is provided for OrgUnits that have been deleted from the file.
- Unallocated Desks - Floors have workpoints that have not been allocated to a team.
Key Data
Multiple Location Employees tab
Exception: The following people have multiple assigned locations in Serraview.
Impact: High impact. These people are counting twice towards occupancy statistics.
Resolution: Validate which location the occupant should be assigned to and remove them as an occupant from the other location.
- Person Details
- Employee No
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Job Title
- Employment Start Date
- Employee Status
- Location Details
- Building
- Floor
- Workpoint or Team
Unassigned Employee tab
Exception: The following people have no assigned location in the system.
Impact: Medium impact. These people are not contributing to occupant counts on any floors.
Resolution: Validate if these people should be occupying space, then assign people to the correct space.
- Person Details
- Employee No
- First Name
- Last Name Email
- Phone Number
- Job Title
- Employment Start Date
- Employee Status
- Person Org Unit Details
- Business Unit
- Team
- Cost Centre
- Location Details
- Building
- Floor
- Hood
- Workpoint or Team
- Last Updated
- Last Updated
Flexi Occupants of Fixed Teams tab
Exception: The following occupants have been onboarded as flexible occupants to fixed teams.
Impact: Medium impact. These occupants will count towards the occupancy count of the floor, but do not have an assigned desk.
Resolution: Assign these people to a specific desk in Serraview.
- Person Details
- Employee No
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Employment Start Date
- Employee Status
- Location Details
- Building(s)
- Floor(s)
- Team(s)
- Cost Centre(s)
Block & Stack Exceptions tab
Exception: The following teams are considered to be in an invalid state due to team allocation (stack) not matching the number of workpoints mapped (blocked).
Impact: High impact. Affects vacancy stats for the floor & cost recharge (if applicable).
Resolution: Match allocation to blocking, note this will increase/decrease the floor's vacancy.
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Team
- Cost Centre
- Workpoints Stacked
- Workpoints Blocked
- Difference
Invalid Team Size (Stack) tab
Exception: The following teams are considered to be in an invalid state with a team allocation (stack) value of '0'.
Impact: Low impact. Teams are seen in reports, no impact to allocation statistics.
Resolution: Delete team stack from VBS.
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Team
- Workpoints Stacked
Unknown & Orphaned Teams tab
Exception: The following teams are 'Unknown' or 'Orphaned Cost Centre', they do not link back to a valid parent Org Unit. This is a result of uploading a new Org Structure Tree where no forwarding Cost Centre is provided for OrgUnits that have been deleted from the file.
Impact: High impact. Allocation statistics are affected because the teams are 'unknown' they cannot be linked back to a Division/Cost Centre.
Resolution: Review & Update Team Cost Centre in the Team Form.
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Org Unit
- Team
- Cost Centre
- Total Workpoints
Unallocated Desks tab
Exception: The following floors have workpoints that have not been allocated to a team.
Impact: Medium impact. Unallocated workpoints will appear in reports.
Resolution: Investigate & allocate to the correct team.
- Region
- Building
- Floor
- Vacant Desks