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Eptura Knowledge Center

Internal Network Communication for SVLive1

SVLive1 Maintenance

MLS interacts with the internal network in two ways to capture utilization data by:

  1. Collecting all LDM presence information and sends any changes to Serraview.
    1. Source: SVLive LDM agent running on desktop or laptop
    2. Destination: SVLive MLS server
    3. Destination Port: TCP port that is configured at time of implementation
    4. Description: Workstation Status
  2. Periodically querying network switches to obtain which computers are plugged in where:
    1. Source: SVLive MLS server
    2. Destination: Network Switches
    3. Destination Port: udp/161
    4. Description: SVLive Switch Scanning

LDM to MLS Communication on TCP Port Changes

At the time of implementation, an unreserved TCP port is configured to allow the communication between LDM and MLS. Any changes to this port that may prevent LDM to communicate to MLS need to communicate to the SpaceIQ team prior to implementation as it may disrupt the service.


Impact on Service

If the LDM fails to communicate to the MLS over the pre-configured TCP port, the service will immediately become unavailable to the affected workstations. Utilization data cannot be recovered post resolution.

MLS Scanning Switches on UDP Port

At the time of, inbound and outbound UDP requests on port 161 are allowed from the server hosting the MLS to the network switches.


Impact on Service

If the MLS fails to communicate to the network switches over UDP port 161, the service will immediately become unavailable to all workstations. Utilization data cannot be recovered post resolution.

If connection to a network switch is lost, Serraview will not be able to track utilization to a desk for new activity during that time. It does have a cache of switch port mappings and will continue to update utilization information for already active users, if their status changes for example.