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Eptura Knowledge Center

SVLive Wi-Fi Maintenance

Follow the process flow below to complete the Wi-Fi maintenance.


# Process Flow  


You want to find out why a user is not showing up on Wi-Fi.



Is the device plugged into a desk via a wired connection, but showing on Wi-Fi?

Yes - Complete the checks:

  • Is the device plugged directly into the network port?
  • Is the device plugged directly into a laptop docking station?
  • Is the device connected to a laptop docking station via a USB-C cable?

Learn more in Wireup Maintenance.

Then go to "Is the user still on the Wi-Fi?"

No - go to "Is there a WAP listed on the floor in Serraview?".



Is the user still on the Wi-Fi?

Yes - End process

No - go to Maintenance Troubleshooting logs.


Is there a WAP listed on the floor in Serraview?

Yes - Obtain the BSSID of the current Wi-Fi connection and obtain the BSSID of the WAP in Serraview. Learn more in Obtain and Validate the WAP's BSSID.

Then go to "Does the BSSIDs match?"

No - go to SVLive Wi-Fi WAP Configuration.


Do the BSSIDs match?

Yes - go to Maintenance Troubleshooting logs.

No - go to SVLive Wi-Fi WAP Configuration.